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Bacterial Strains Isolated from Stingless Bee Workers Inhibit the Growth of Apis mellifera Pathogens
Marcos Raúl Tejerina, María José Cabana, Pablo Adrián Enríquez, Marcelo Rafael Benítez-Ahrendts and María Isabel Fonseca Current Microbiology 81(4) (2024)
Comprehensive Elemental Profiling of Romanian Honey: Exploring Regional Variance, Honey Types, and Analyzed Metals for Sustainable Apicultural and Environmental Practices
Florin Dumitru Bora, Andreea Flavia Andrecan, Anamaria Călugăr, Claudiu Ioan Bunea, Maria Popescu, Ioan Valentin Petrescu-Mag and Andrea Bunea Foods 13(8) 1253 (2024)
Evaluation of oxalic acid with glycerin efficacy against
Varroa destructor
(Varroidae): a four year assay
Oxalic Acid Treatment: Short-Term Effects on Enzyme Activities, Vitellogenin Content, and Residual Oxalic Acid Content in House Bees, Apis mellifera L.
Simona Sagona, Elena Tafi, Francesca Coppola, Antonio Nanetti, Chiara Benedetta Boni, Caterina Orlando, Lionella Palego, Laura Betti, Gino Giannaccini and Antonio Felicioli Insects 15(6) 409 (2024)
Md. Anisur Rahman, Md. Murad Hossain and Dhirendra Nath Barman 102 (2023)
Efficiency of plant-based acaricide gels compared to fluvalinate-impregnated strips for control of Varroa destructor in honey bee colonies
Jahangir Khajehali, Nafiseh Poorjavad, Alireza Bolandnazar, Farid Shahim-Germi, Mahyar Kimiaie and Masoud M. Ardestani Experimental and Applied Acarology 91(1) 57 (2023)
Acaricidal Toxicity of Four Essential Oils, Their Predominant Constituents, Their Mixtures against Varroa Mite, and Their Selectivity to Honey Bees (Apis cerana and A. mellifera)
Impact of genus (Geotrigona, Melipona, Scaptotrigona) on the targeted 1H-NMR organic profile, and authenticity test by interphase emulsion of honey processed in cerumen pots by stingless bees in Ecuador
Patricia Vit, Jane van der Meulen, Maria Diaz, Silvia R.M. Pedro, Isabelle Esperança, Rahimah Zakaria, Gudrun Beckh, Favian Maza, Gina Meccia and Michael S. Engel Current Research in Food Science 6 100386 (2023)
Honey vs. Mite—A Trade-Off Strategy by Applying Summer Brood Interruption for Varroa destructor Control in the Mediterranean Region
Marin Kovačić, Aleksandar Uzunov, Ivana Tlak Gajger, Marco Pietropaoli, Victoria Soroker, Noureddine Adjlane, Valerija Benko, Leonidas Charistos, Raffaele Dall’Olio, Giovanni Formato, Fani Hatjina, Valeria Malagnini, Fabrizio Freda, Asaf Otmi, Zlatko Puškadija, Claudio Villar and Ralph Büchler Insects 14(9) 751 (2023)
Simulation of Varroa mite control in honey bee colonies without synthetic acaricides: Demonstration of Good Beekeeping Practice for Germany in the BEEHAVE model
Isabel Schödl, Richard Odemer, Matthias A. Becher, Stefan Berg, Christoph Otten, Volker Grimm and Jürgen Groeneveld Ecology and Evolution 12(11) (2022)
Patricia Vit, Jane van der Meulen, Silvia RM Pedro, Isabelle Esperança, Rahimah Zakaria, Gudrun Beckh and Favian Maza (2022)
Ion chromatography coupled to Q-Orbitrap for the analysis of formic and oxalic acid in beehive matrices: a field study
Icíar Beraza Gómez, María José Gómez Ramos, Łukasz Rajski, José Manuel Flores, Florencia Jesús and Amadeo R. Fernández-Alba Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 414(7) 2419 (2022)
Assessing Repeated Oxalic Acid Vaporization in Honey Bee (Hymenoptera: Apidae) Colonies for Control of the Ectoparasitic Mite Varroa destructor
Jennifer A Berry, Lewis J Bartlett, Selina Bruckner, Christian Baker, S Kris Braman, Keith S Delaplane, Geoffrey R Williams and Hongmei Li-Byarlay Journal of Insect Science 22(1) (2022)
Compliance with recommended Varroa destructor treatment regimens improves the survival of honey bee colonies over winter
Phytotherapy an alternative to pest and disease control of bees
Jesús Humberto Reyna-Fuentes, Juan Carlos Martínez-González, Amador Silva-Contreras, Daniel López-Aguirre and Sonia Patricia Castillo-Rodríguez Journal of the Selva Andina Animal Science 8(2) 114 (2021)
To Treat or Not to Treat Bees? Handy VarLoad: A Predictive Model for Varroa destructor Load
Hélène Dechatre, Lucie Michel, Samuel Soubeyrand, Alban Maisonnasse, Pierre Moreau, Yannick Poquet, Maryline Pioz, Cyril Vidau, Benjamin Basso, Fanny Mondet and André Kretzschmar Pathogens 10(6) 678 (2021)
Effectiveness of Different Soft Acaricides against Honey Bee Ectoparasitic Mite Varroa destructor (Acari: Varroidae)
Ziyad Abdul Qadir, Atif Idrees, Rashid Mahmood, Ghulam Sarwar, Muhammad Abu Bakar, Saboor Ahmad, Muhammad Mohsin Raza and Jun Li Insects 12(11) 1032 (2021)
Fitoterapia una alternativa de control de plagas y enfermedades de abejas
Jesús Humberto Reyna-Fuentes, Juan Carlos Martínez-González, Amador Silva-Contreras, Daniel López-Aguirre and Sonia Patricia Castillo-Rodríguez Journal of the Selva Andina Animal Science 8(2) 114 (2021)
Varroa destructor from the Laboratory to the Field: Control, Biocontrol and IPM Perspectives—A Review
Resistance and Vulnerability of Honeybee (Apis mellifera) Gut Bacteria to Commonly Used Pesticides
Ana Cuesta-Maté, Justinn Renelies-Hamilton, Per Kryger, Annette Bruun Jensen, Veronica M. Sinotte and Michael Poulsen Frontiers in Microbiology 12 (2021)
Three pillars of Varroa control
Jernej Bubnič, Rudolf Moosbeckhofer, Janez Prešern, Ajda Moškrič, Giovanni Formato, Marco Pietropaoli, Aleš Gregorc, Mustafa Necati Muz and Maja Ivana Smodiš Škerl Apidologie 52(6) 1305 (2021)
Summer brood interruption as integrated management strategy for effective Varroa control in Europe
Comparative study of two Eucalyptus species from Algeria: chemical composition, toxicity and acaricidal effect on Varroa destructor
Ghania Atmani-Merabet, Sihem Fellah and Abdelmalik Belkhiri Current Issues in Pharmacy and Medical Sciences 33(3) 144 (2020)
Lactobacillus salivarius A3iob Reduces the Incidence of Varroa destructor and Nosema Spp. in Commercial Apiaries Located in the Northwest of Argentina
Marcos Raúl Tejerina, Marcelo Rafael Benítez-Ahrendts and Marcela Carina Audisio Probiotics and Antimicrobial Proteins 12(4) 1360 (2020)
The synergistic effect of weak oxalic acid and thymol aqueous solutions on Varroa mites and honey bees
Honey Bee Exposure to Pesticides: A Four-Year Nationwide Study
Nancy Ostiguy, Frank A. Drummond, Kate Aronstein, Brian Eitzer, James D. Ellis, Marla Spivak and Walter S. Sheppard Insects 10(1) 13 (2019)
Beekeeping and honey bee colony health: A review and conceptualization of beekeeping management practices implemented in Europe
Giorgio Sperandio, Anna Simonetto, Edoardo Carnesecchi, Cecilia Costa, Fani Hatjina, Simone Tosi and Gianni Gilioli Science of The Total Environment 696 133795 (2019)
Laurus nobilis L. Extracts against Paenibacillus larvae: Antimicrobial activity, antioxidant capacity, hygienic behavior and colony strength
Natalia Jorgelina Fernández, Natalia Damiani, Enrique Arturo Podaza, et al. Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences 26(5) 906 (2019)
Chemical Composition, Toxicity, and Acaricidal Activity of Eucalyptus Globulus Essential Oil from Algeria
Ghania Atmani-Merabet, Abdelmalik Belkhiri, Mohamed Abdeslam Dems, et al. Current Issues in Pharmacy and Medical Sciences 31(2) 89 (2018)
Use of costic acid, a natural extract from Dittrichia viscosa, for the control of Varroa destructor, a parasite of the European honey bee
Kalliopi Sofou, Demosthenis Isaakidis, Apostolos Spyros, et al. Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry 13 952 (2017)
A Comprehensive Review on the Main Honey Authentication Issues: Production and Origin
Sónia Soares, Joana S. Amaral, Maria Beatriz P.P. Oliveira and Isabel Mafra Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety 16(5) 1072 (2017)
Stress responses of honey bees to organic acid and essential oil treatments against varroa mites
Effects of Bacillus thuringiensis strains virulent to Varroa destructor on larvae and adults of Apis mellifera
Eva Vianey Alquisira-Ramírez, Guadalupe Peña-Chora, Víctor Manuel Hernández-Velázquez, et al. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 142 69 (2017)
In vitro susceptibility of Varroa destructor and Apis mellifera to native strains of Bacillus thuringiensis
Eva Vianey Alquisira-Ramírez, José Roberto Paredes-Gonzalez, Víctor Manuel Hernández-Velázquez, José Augusto Ramírez-Trujillo and Guadalupe Peña-Chora Apidologie (2014)
NMR-Based Metabolomics for Organic Farming Traceability of Early Potatoes
Daniela Pacifico, Lorena Casciani, Mena Ritota, Giuseppe Mandolino, Chiara Onofri, Anna Moschella, Bruno Parisi, Caterina Cafiero and Massimiliano Valentini Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 61(46) 11201 (2013)
María Teresa Sancho, Inés Mato, José F. Huidobro, Miguel Angel Fernández-Muiño and Ana Pascual-Maté 447 (2013)
The effect of different varroacides on the acidity of winter stores and honey stores
Magdalena Gryzińska, Aneta Strachecka, Jerzy Paleolog, Krzysztof Olszewski and Grzegorz Borsuk Annales UMCS Zootechnica 30(1) 11 (2012)
Effects of organic acid treatments on small hive beetles, Aethina tumida, and the associated yeast Kodamaea ohmeri
Marc O. Schäfer, Wolfgang Ritter, Jeff S. Pettis, Peter E. A. Teal and Peter Neumann Journal of Pest Science 82(3) 283 (2009)
Effects of release pattern and room ventilation on survival of varroa mites and queens during indoor winter fumigation of honey bee colonies with formic acid
Analytical Methods for the Determination of Organic Acids in Honey
Inés Mato, José F. Huidobro, Jesús Simal-Lozano and M. Teresa Sancho Critical Reviews in Analytical Chemistry 36(1) 3 (2006)
Formic acid fumigator for controlling varroa mites in honey bee hives
Rapid Determination of Nonaromatic Organic Acids in Honey by Capillary Zone Electrophoresis with Direct Ultraviolet Detection
Inés Mato, José F. Huidobro, Jesús Simal-Lozano and M. Teresa Sancho Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 54(5) 1541 (2006)
Oxalic acid for the control of varroosis in honey bee colonies – a review
Capillary Zone Electrophoresis Method for the Determination of Inorganic Anions and Formic Acid in Honey
Silvia Suárez-Luque, Inés Mato, José F. Huidobro, Jesús Simal-Lozano and M. Teresa Sancho Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 54(25) 9292 (2006)