Free Access Comportement de butinage de l'abeille domestique et des abeilles sauvages dans des vergers de pommiers en Belgique p. 271 A. Jacob-Remacle DOI: AbstractPDF (838.8 KB)
Free Access Age-related changes in midgut ultrastructure and trypsin activity in the honey bee, Apis mellifera p. 287 D. R. Jimenez and M. Gilliam DOI: AbstractPDF (1.362 MB)
Free Access Zur Anwendung eines elektronischen Bienenzählgerätes am Flugloch eines Bienenvolkes p. 305 M. Rickli, G. Bühlmann, L. Gerig, H. Herren, H.J. Schürch, W. Zeier and A. Imdorf DOI: AbstractPDF (638.1 KB)
Free Access Identification des variétés de pommiers par l'enzyme phosphatase acide, son application à l'étude de la pollinisation des vergers p. 317 J.P. Torre Grossa DOI: AbstractPDF (689.9 KB)
Free Access Membrane-bound iron-rich granules in fat cells and midgut cells of the adult honeybee (Apis mellifera L.) p. 327 H. Raes, W. Bohyn, P.H. De Rycke and F. Jacobs DOI: AbstractPDF (1.232 MB)
Free Access Sequence of the sexes in the offspring of Varroa jacobsoni and the resulting consequences for the calculation of the developmental period p. 339 S.-M. Rehm and W. Ritter DOI: AbstractPDF (227.5 KB)
Free Access Geographic variation in Varroa jacobsoni (Acari, Varroidae) : application of multivariate morphometric techniques p. 345 M. Delfinado-Baker and M. A. Houck DOI: AbstractPDF (864.3 KB)
Free Access Late embryogenesis and immature development of Osmia rufa cornigera (Rossi) (Hymenoptera : Megachilidae) p. 359 R. Rust, P. Torchio and G. Trostle DOI: AbstractPDF (563.9 KB)