Free Access Queen discrimination by honeybee (Apis mellifera L) workers p. 493 J.B. Free, A.W. Ferguson and J.R. Simpkins DOI: AbstractPDF (485.0 KB)
Free Access Time of drone flight of Apis laboriosa Smith in Nepal p. 501 B.A. Underwood DOI: AbstractPDF (246.1 KB)
Free Access Morphometric characteristics of Apis cerana from Sri Lanka p. 505 T.I. Szabo DOI: AbstractPDF (272.4 KB)
Free Access Modalités de la pollinisation chez deux lignées de féverole de printemps ( Vicia faba L var equina Steudel). Effets sur les coulures, la productivité et les taux de croisementsEffect of pollination treatments on reproductive organ abortion rates, yield and crossing rates in 2 lines of spring faba bean (Vicia faba L var equina Steudel) p. 511 J. Mesquida, J. Le Guen, J.N. Tasei, S. Carre and G. Morin DOI: AbstractPDF (847.6 KB)
Free Access Effects of additional caged and free-running queens on honey bee (Apis mellifera) colony performance p. 527 B.P. Oldroyd and P.J. Hunt DOI: AbstractPDF (524.5 KB)
Free Access Ultrastructure of the flight muscle of worker honey bees heavily infested by the tracheal mite Acarapis woodi p. 537 T.P. Liu DOI: AbstractPDF (487.4 KB)
Free Access Observations on the use of visual and olfactory cues by Trigona spp foragers p. 541 J.D. Villa and M.R. Weiss DOI: AbstractPDF (299.8 KB)
Free Access Seasonality of honey bee colony invasion by Varroa jacobsoni Oud p. 547 F. Sakofski, N. Koeniger and S. Fuchs DOI: AbstractPDF (234.0 KB)