Free Access Age-related patterns of volatile cephalic constituents in queens of the neotropical stingless bee Scaptotrigona postica Latr (Hymenoptera, Apidae) p. 539 E. Engels, W. Engels, G. Lübke, W. Schröder and W. Francke DOI: AbstractPDF (556.5 KB)
Free Access Effectiveness and residue levels of 3 methods of menthol application to honey bee colonies for the control of tracheal mites p. 549 D. Nelson, P. Sporns, P. Kristiansen, P. Mills and M. Li DOI: AbstractPDF (480.3 KB)
Free Access The effect of kiwifruit (Actinidia deliciosa A Chev) and yellow flowered broom (Cytisus scoparius Link) pollen on the ovary development of worker honey bees (Apis mellifera L) p. 557 S.C. Jay and D.H. Jay DOI: AbstractPDF (363.3 KB)
Free Access Bottle brush Callistemon lanceolatus DC (Myrtaceae) nectar: amount, type of nectar sugars and honeybee foraging p. 564 J.K. Gupta and J. Kumar DOI: AbstractPDF (256.5 KB)
Free Access Morphometric identification of Africanized and European honey bees using large reference populations p. 569 T.E. Rinderer, S.M. Buco, W.L. Rubink, H.V. Daly, J.A. Stelzer, R.M. Riggio and F.C. Baptista DOI: AbstractPDF (931.6 KB)
Free Access Physicochemical properties, composition and pollen spectrum of ling heather (Calluna vulgaris (L) Hull) honey produced in Spain p. 586 J. Serra Bonvehí and E. Granados Tarrés DOI: AbstractPDF (624.9 KB)