Free Access Bees and pollination in our changing environment p. 361 S.W.T. Batra DOI: AbstractPDF (702.0 KB)
Free Access Influence du climat sur le développement de la population de Varroa jacobsoni Oud dans des colonies d'Apis mellifera iberica (Goetze) dans le sud de l'Espagne Influence of climate on the evolution of the population dynamics of the Varroa mite on honeybees in the south of Spain p. 371 P. García-Fernández, R. Benítez Rodriguez and F.J. Orantes-Bermejo DOI: AbstractPDF (765.9 KB)
Free Access Effect of the size of worker brood cells of Africanized honey bees on infestation and reproduction of the ectoparasitic mite Varroa jacobsoni Oud p. 381 D. Message and L.S. Gonçalves DOI: AbstractPDF (341.4 KB)
Free Access A morphological comparison of the dwarf honey bees of southeastern Thailand and Palawan, Philippines p. 387 T.E. Rinderer, B.P. Oldroyd, S. Wongsiri, H.A. Sylvester, L.I. de Guzman, J.A. Stelzer and R.M. Riggio DOI: AbstractPDF (431.3 KB)
Free Access Swarm movement patterns inferred from waggle dance activity of the neotropical African honey bee in Costa Rica p. 395 S.S. Schneider DOI: AbstractPDF (752.5 KB)
Free Access Undetectability of vitamin A in bee brood p. 407 M. Skinner, K.E. Jones and B.P. Dunn DOI: AbstractPDF (481.0 KB)
Free Access The resistance of Varroa jacobsoni Oud to pyrethroids: a laboratory assay p. 415 N. Milani DOI: AbstractPDF (791.4 KB)
Free Access Pollination Working Group of the National Institute of Agronomic Research (INRA), France. Meeting in Montpellier, March 17, 1995 p. 431 DOI: AbstractPDF (444.9 KB)