Free Access Flagellar sensilla of bumble bee males (Hymenopera, Apidae, Bombus) p. 433 L. Ågren and E. Hallberg DOI: AbstractPDF (1.671 MB)
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Free Access Changed Varroa jacobsoni reproduction in Apis mellifera colonies in Java p. 461 D.L. Anderson and Sukarsih DOI: AbstractPDF (368.0 KB)
Free Access Prevalence of parasitization by Diptera in Apis mellifera L in southern Spain p. 467 F.J. Orantes Bermejo, A. González Megías and P. García Fernández DOI: AbstractPDF (247.4 KB)
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Free Access Effects of Nosema apis Zander on inbred New Zealand honey bees (Apis mellifera ligustica L) p. 479 L.A. Malone and H.A. Giacon DOI: AbstractPDF (542.5 KB)
Free Access A scientific note on first report of Apis laboriosa F Smith, 1871 in Vietnam p. 487 L.Q. Trung, P.X. Dung and T.X. Ngan DOI: AbstractPDF (114.9 KB)