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Table I

Genetic diversity (number of alleles (An), allelic richness (Ar), private allele richness (pAr)) and between-population sub-structure (FST) of the putative B. terrestris and B. lucorum populations (i.e. inferred queen genotypes) determined according to (a) morphological traits and (b) mtDNA polymorphisms. Sample sizes are given in both number of workers (nW) per group and number of inferred queens (nC). No significant differences in allelic richness between morphological and mtDNA-based species discrimination could be detected. Genetic sub-structure between the two populations was substantially higher between the non-intermixed populations obtained by species assignment based on mtDNA-polymorphisms as compared to the morphology based approach.

(a) species identification based on morphological traits (Mauss, 1994)

B. terrestris B. lucorum overall FST (Bt-Bl)
(nc = 18, nw = 28) (nc = 20, nw = 34) (nw = 62)
Locus A n A r p A r A n A r p A r A n A r

B100 8 6.92 1.03 11 9.05 0.35 14 14.00
B118 6 5.64 0.09 8 6.07 0.38 8 7.89
B119 7 6.07 1.02 4 3.77 0.00 7 6.72
B121 6 4.90 0.20 9 6.52 0.86 9 8.65
B124 10 8.58 1.64 11 8.19 0.99 14 13.42
B131 3 2.22 0.43 2 1.80 0.19 3 2.87
B132 8 6.29 0.55 13 10.01 1.28 16 15.22
mean 6.86 5.80 0.71 8.29 6.49 0.58 10.14 9.83
SE 0.83 0.74 0.21 1.51 1.11 0.18 1.77 1.71 0.13
(b) species identification based on mtDNA RFLPs (Murray et al., 2008)

B. terrestris B. lucorum overall FST (Bt-Bl)
(nc = 27, nw = 46) (nc = 13, nw = 16) (nw = 62)

Locus A n A r p A r A n A r p A r A n A r

B100 13 8.32 0.82 9 9.00 1.98 16 15.43
B118 8 6.08 0.24 3 2.85 0.01 8 7.82
B119 7 5.34 0.41 2 2.00 0.00 7 6.67
B121 8 5.56 0.64 4 3.99 1.44 10 9.60
B124 11 8.07 0.51 5 4.54 0.48 12 11.38
B131 3 1.81 0.19 1 1.00 0.00 3 2.65
B132 11 7.72 0.93 12 11.14 3.62 18 16.83
mean 8.71 6.13 0.54 5.14 4.93 1.08 10.57 10.06
SE 1.25 0.85 0.11 1.50 1.42 0.52 1.97 1.88 0.25