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Low Abundance of Regular Pollinators and Indirect Competitive Effects of Dominant Small Bees Negatively Affect Passion Fruit Pollination in Smallholder Croplands

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Acute fipronil toxicity induces high mortality rate for honeybees and stingless bees, with the latter facing heightened risk

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Apidologie 55 (5) (2024)

Development of Tools to Understand the Relationship between Good Management Practices and Nest Losses in Meliponiculture: A Pilot Study in Latin American Countries

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Pollination service provided by honey bees to buzz-pollinated crops in the Neotropics

Franklin H. Rocha, Daniel N. Peraza, Salvador Medina, José Javier G. Quezada-Euán and Olav Rueppell
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Spatiotemporal occurrence of beehives of genus Apis in Northern Punjab and Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan

Saira Bashir, Muhammad Faheem Malik and Mubashar Hussain
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Bee landscape relations in changing contexts, implications for stingless bee management

Estrella Chévez, Luciana Porter-Bolland, Eduardo García-Frapolli, Rosario Landgrave and Daniel Revollo-Fernández
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Comparative cytogenetic analysis reveals chromosomal variability in five stingless bees of the genus Trigona (Apidae, Apinae, Meliponini)

Gisele Amaro Teixeira, Riudo de Paiva Ferreira and Denilce Meneses Lopes
Apidologie 54 (2) (2023)

Chilean bee diversity: Contrasting patterns of species and phylogenetic turnover along a large‐scale ecological gradient

Leon Marshall, John S. Ascher, Cristian Villagra, Amaury Beaugendre, Valentina Herrera, Patricia Henríquez‐Piskulich, Alejandro Vera and Nicolas J. Vereecken
Ecosphere 14 (5) (2023)

The breeding systems and floral visitors of two widespread African dry forest species of ethnobotanical significance

Christine Rose Coppinger, Dara A. Stanley and Renee M. Borges
PLOS ONE 18 (10) e0292929 (2023)

Stored pollen of Frieseomelitta meadewaldoi (Cockerell, 1915) (Apidae, Meliponini) in the Atlantic Forest of the Northern Coast of Bahia, Brazil

Brenna Pinheiro Bastos, Luciene Cristina Lima e Lima and Marcos da Costa Dórea
Journal of Apicultural Research 62 (4) 826 (2023)

Multicriteria Analysis in Apiculture: A Sustainable Tool for Rural Development in Communities and Conservation Areas of Northwest Peru

Alexander Cotrina-Sanchez, Ligia García, Christian Calle, Fatih Sari, Subhajit Bandopadhyay, Nilton B. Rojas-Briceño, Gerson Meza-Mori, Cristóbal Torres Guzmán, Erick Auquiñivín-Silva, Erick Arellanos and Manuel Oliva
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¿Qué sabemos de las abejas sin aguijón (Hymenoptera: Apidae, Meliponini) en México?: Diversidad, Ecología y polinización

Fernanda Baena-Díaz, Estrella Chévez and Luciana Porter-Bolland

The survival and flight capacity of commercial honeybees and endangered stingless bees are impaired by common agrochemicals

Ingrid N. Gomes, Lessando Moreira Gontijo, Maria Augusta Pereira Lima, José Salazar Zanuncio and Helder Canto Resende
Ecotoxicology 32 (7) 937 (2023)

A review of pollen types foraged by Melipona in the Brazilian Amazon

Alyne Daniele Alves Pimentel, Vanessa Holanda Righetti De Abreu, Cristiane Krug and Izildinha Souza Miranda
Palynology 47 (3) (2023)

Neonicotinoid effects on tropical bees: Imidacloprid impairs innate appetitive responsiveness, learning and memory in the stingless bee Melipona quadrifasciata

João Marcelo Robazzi Bignelli Valente Aguiar, Roberta Cornélio Ferreira Nocelli, Martin Giurfa and Fábio Santos Nascimento
Science of The Total Environment 877 162859 (2023)

The Present and Future of Insect Biodiversity Conservation in the Neotropics: Policy Gaps and Recommendations

Natalie E. Duffus, Alejandra Echeverri, Lena Dempewolf, Jorge Ari Noriega, Paul R. Furumo and Juliano Morimoto
Neotropical Entomology 52 (3) 407 (2023)

The potential of arboreal pitfall traps for sampling nontargeted bee and wasp pollinators

Filipe Viegas de Arruda, Flávio Camarota, Rogério R. Silva, Thiago Junqueira Izzo, Leonardo Lima Bergamini and Rony Peterson Santos Almeida
Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 170 (10) 902 (2022)

Influence of plant reproductive systems on the evolution of hummingbird pollination

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Ecology and Evolution 12 (2) (2022)

Conserving dominant trees in human-modified landscapes at the Lacandon tropical rainforest

David A. Brindis-Badillo, Víctor Arroyo-Rodríguez, Eduardo Mendoza, Germán Wies and Miguel Martínez-Ramos
Biological Conservation 270 109548 (2022)

Evidence for morphological and genetic structuring of Plebeia flavocincta (Apidae: Meliponini) populations in Northeast Brazil

Ulysses Madureira Maia, José Eustáquio dos Santos Júnior, Michele Molina, Juliana Stephanie Galaschi-Teixeira, Airton Torres Carvalho, Leonardo de Sousa Miranda, Vera Lucia Imperatriz-Fonseca, Guilherme Oliveira and Tereza Cristina Giannini
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 10 (2022)

Species redescription and nest architecture of Plebeia flavocincta (Hymenoptera: Apidae: Meliponini)

Ulysses Madureira Maia, Rafael Cabral Borges, José Eustáquio dos Santos-Júnior, Victor Hugo Pedraça Dias, Airton Torres Carvalho, Vera Lucia Imperatriz-Fonseca, Guilherme Corrêa de Oliveira and Tereza Cristina Giannini
Apidologie 53 (6) (2022)

Stingless bees in tropical dry forests: global context and challenges of an integrated conservation management

William de Jesús May-Itzá, Sol Martínez-Fortún, Carlos Zaragoza-Trello and Carlos Ruiz
Journal of Apicultural Research 61 (5) 642 (2022)

Leon Marshall, John S. Ascher, Cristian Villagra, Amaury Beaugendre, Valentina Herrera, Patricia Henríquez-Piskulich, Alejandro Vera and Nicolas J. Vereecken

Insect decline in Brazil: an appraisal of current evidence

Thomas M. Lewinsohn, Kayna Agostini, André Victor Lucci Freitas and Adriano S. Melo
Biology Letters 18 (8) (2022)

The bee fauna (Hymenoptera, Apoidea) in Cerrado and Cerrado-Amazon Rainforest transition sites in Tocantins state, Northern Region of Brazil

Simone Santos Oliveira Barros, Waldesse Piragé de Oliveira Júnior, Favízia Freitas de Oliveira, Nádilla Gonçalves Andrade, Rafael José de Oliveira and Marcos Antônio Lima Bragança
Biota Neotropica 22 (3) (2022)

Optimization of in vitro culture of honeybee nervous tissue for pesticide risk assessment

Patricia Azevedo, Nicole Pavan Butolo, Luciano Delmondes de Alencar, Hellen Maria Soares Lima, Victor Ribeiro Sales, Osmar Malaspina and Roberta Cornélio Ferreira Nocelli
Toxicology in Vitro 84 105437 (2022)

Illegalities in the online trade of stingless bees in Brazil

Antônio F. Carvalho
Insect Conservation and Diversity 15 (6) 673 (2022)

Stingless bees (Apidae: Meliponini) at risk in western Mexico

Alejandro Reyes‐Gonzalez, Francisco Mora, Luciana Porter‐Boland, M. Isabel Ramírez and Ek del‐Val
Biotropica 54 (4) 829 (2022)

A geographic approach for determining honey bee conservation areas for sustainable ecosystem services

Fatih Sari and Irfan Kandemir
Arabian Journal of Geosciences 15 (8) (2022)

The evidence for and against competition between the European honeybee and Australian native bees

Kit S. Prendergast, Kinglsey W. Dixon, Philip W. Bateman and Mike Calver
Pacific Conservation Biology 29 (2) 89 (2022)

Ecological niche modeling for stingless bees (genus Melipona) in Waghemira and North Wollo zones of Amhara Regional State, Ethiopia

Ayalew Assefa and Meressa Lemma
Scientific African 15 e01102 (2022)

Toxicity of chlorpyrifos, cyflumetofen, and difenoconazole on Tetragonisca angustula (Latreille, 1811) under laboratory conditions

Delzuite Teles Leite, Roberto Barbosa Sampaio, Emerson Dechechi Chambó, Cândida Maria Lima Aguiar, Mauricio Sekiguchi de Godoy and Carlos Alfredo Lopes de Carvalho
International Journal of Tropical Insect Science 42 (1) 435 (2022)

The widespread trade in stingless beehives may introduce them into novel places and could threaten species

Charles Fernando dos Santos, André Luis Acosta, Rosana Halinski, Patrick Douglas Souza‐Santos, Rafael Cabral Borges, Tereza Cristina Gianinni and Betina Blochtein
Journal of Applied Ecology 59 (4) 965 (2022)

Toxicological assessment of agrochemicals on bees using machine learning tools

Rodrigo Cupertino Bernardes, Lorena Lisbetd Botina, Fernanda Pereira da Silva, Kenner Morais Fernandes, Maria Augusta Pereira Lima and Gustavo Ferreira Martins
Journal of Hazardous Materials 424 127344 (2022)

Honey compositional convergence and the parallel domestication of social bees

Pierre Noiset, Nathalie Cabirol, Marcelo Rojas-Oropeza, Natapot Warrit, Kiatoko Nkoba and Nicolas J. Vereecken
Scientific Reports 12 (1) (2022)

From neglect to stardom: how the rising popularity of stingless bees threatens diversity and meliponiculture in Mexico

José Javier G. Quezada-Euán, William J. May-Itzá, Pilar de la Rúa and David W. Roubik
Apidologie 53 (6) (2022)

Inferring trends in pollinator distributions across the Neotropics from publicly available data remains challenging despite mobilization efforts

Robin J. Boyd, Marcelo A. Aizen, Rodrigo M. Barahona‐Segovia, Luis Flores‐Prado, Francisco E. Fontúrbel, Tiago M. Francoy, Manuel Lopez‐Aliste, Lican Martinez, Carolina L. Morales, Jeff Ollerton, Oliver L. Pescott, Gary D. Powney, Antonio Mauro Saraiva, Reto Schmucki, Eduardo E. Zattara, Claire Carvell and Yoan Fourcade
Diversity and Distributions 28 (7) 1404 (2022)

Biodiversity and Stage of the Art of Three Pollinators Taxa in Mexico: An Overview

David Urbán-Duarte, José Fernando De La Torre-Sánchez, Yooichi Kainoh and Kazuo Watanabe
Sustainability 13 (16) 9051 (2021)

Conservation insights from wild bee genetic studies: Geographic differences, susceptibility to inbreeding, and signs of local adaptation

Evan P. Kelemen and Sandra M. Rehan
Evolutionary Applications 14 (6) 1485 (2021)

Does the simplification of activity systems produce landscape homogenization?

Swany Morteo-Montiel, Sherie Rae Simms, Luciana Porter-Bolland and Martha Bonilla-Moheno
Environment, Development and Sustainability 23 (4) 5695 (2021)

Richness and distribution of the meliponine fauna (Hymenoptera: Apidae: Meliponini) in the State of Ceará, Brazil

Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências 93 (3) (2021)

Opposing pressures of climate and land‐use change on a native bee

Evan P. Kelemen and Sandra M. Rehan
Global Change Biology 27 (5) 1017 (2021)

The melittofauna and its floral associations in a natural riparian forest in Buenos Aires province, Argentina

Pablo J. Ramello, Leopoldo J. Álvarez, Valentín Almada and Mariano Lucia
Journal of Apicultural Research 60 (2) 241 (2021)

Legislation and pollination: Recommendations for policymakers and scientists

Juliana Hipólito, Jeferson Coutinho, Thiago Mahlmann, Thymon Brian Rocha Santana and William E. Magnusson
Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation 19 (1) 1 (2021)

Propolis of stingless bees: A phytochemist's guide through the jungle of tropical biodiversity

Milena Popova, Boryana Trusheva and Vassya Bankova
Phytomedicine 86 153098 (2021)

Seminatural habitats and their proximity to the crop enhances canola (Brassica napus) pollination and reproductive parameters in Argentina

Mariana Paola Mazzei, José Luis Vesprini and Leonardo Galetto
Crop Science 61 (4) 2713 (2021)

Tropical fruit production depends on wild insect communities: bees and lychees in Thailand

Khwankhao Sinhaseni and Carla P. Catterall
Journal of Tropical Ecology 37 (1) 26 (2021)

Detection, replication and quantification of deformed wing virus-A, deformed wing virus-B, and black queen cell virus in the endemic stingless bee, Melipona colimana, from Jalisco, Mexico

Nuria Morfin, Hanan A. Gashout, José O. Macías-Macías, Alvaro De la Mora, José C. Tapia-Rivera, José M. Tapia-González, Francisca Contreras-Escareño and Ernesto Guzman-Novoa
International Journal of Tropical Insect Science 41 (2) 1285 (2021)

Thermoregulation in the large carpenter bee Xylocopa frontalis in the face of climate change in the Neotropics

Felipe Jackson de Farias-Silva and Breno M. Freitas
Apidologie 52 (2) 341 (2021)

Patrones de Distribución de las Abejas1 del Bosque Mesófilo de Montaña de la Sierra Madre Oriental, México

Auda Garcia-Rodriguez, Isolda Luna-Vega, Olivia Yáñez-Ordóñez, Julio Cesar Ramírez-Martínez, David Espinosa and Raúl Contreras-Medina
Southwestern Entomologist 46 (4) (2021)

Acute exposure to fipronil induces oxidative stress, apoptosis and impairs epithelial homeostasis in the midgut of the stingless bee Partamona helleri Friese (Hymenoptera: Apidae)

Cliver Fernandes Farder-Gomes, Kenner Morais Fernandes, Rodrigo Cupertino Bernardes, Daniel Silva Sena Bastos, Gustavo Ferreira Martins and José Eduardo Serrão
Science of The Total Environment 774 145679 (2021)

Temporal and spatial foraging patterns of three Asian honey bee species in Bangalore, India

Allison M. Young, Patrick L. Kohl, Benjamin Rutschmann, Ingolf Steffan-Dewenter, Axel Brockmann and Fred C. Dyer
Apidologie 52 (2) 503 (2021)

Mite diversity is determined by the stingless bee host species

Tairis Da-Costa, Charles Fernando dos Santos, Luana Fabrina Rodighero, Noeli Juarez Ferla and Betina Blochtein
Apidologie 52 (5) 950 (2021)

Tropical bee species abundance differs within a narrow elevational gradient

Kristin M. Conrad, Valerie E. Peters and Sandra M. Rehan
Scientific Reports 11 (1) (2021)

Agroecological Strategies to Safeguard Insect Pollinators in Biodiversity Hotspots: Chile as a Case Study

Patricia A. Henríquez-Piskulich, Constanza Schapheer, Nicolas J. Vereecken and Cristian Villagra
Sustainability 13 (12) 6728 (2021)

Phoretic mites on South American bumblebees (Bombus spp.) as parasite carriers: a historical input

Pablo Damián Revainera, Silvina Quintana, Gregorio Fernández de Landa, et al.
Apidologie 51 (4) 455 (2020)

The economic cost of losing native pollinator species for orchard production

Néstor Pérez‐Méndez, Georg K. S. Andersson, Fabrice Requier, Juliana Hipólito, Marcelo A. Aizen, Carolina L. Morales, Nancy García, Gerardo P. Gennari, Lucas A. Garibaldi and Tim Diekötter
Journal of Applied Ecology 57 (3) 599 (2020)

Landscape Simplification Modifies Trap-Nesting Bee and Wasp Communities in the Subtropics

Rachele S. Wilson, Sara D. Leonhardt, Chris J. Burwell, Chris Fuller, Tobias J. Smith, Benjamin F. Kaluza and Helen M. Wallace
Insects 11 (12) 853 (2020)

Glyphosate-based herbicides and Nosema sp. microsporidia reduce honey bee (Apis mellifera L.) survivability under laboratory conditions

Márcia Regina Faita, Mayara Martins Cardozo, Dylan Thomas Telles Amandio, Afonso Inácio Orth and Rubens Onofre Nodari
Journal of Apicultural Research 59 (4) 332 (2020)

Nesting behavior of stingless bees

Carlos Roberto da Costa Macedo, Italo de Souza Aquino, Péricles de Farias Borges, Alex da Silva Barbosa and Geovergue Rodrigues de Medeiros
Ciência Animal Brasileira 21 (2020)

Food niche of solitary and social bees (Hymenoptera: Apoidea) in a Neotropical Savanna

Claudia Oliveira dos Santos, Cândida Maria Lima Aguiar, Celso Feitosa Martins, Edson Braz Santana, Flávio França, Efigênia Melo and Gilberto Marcos M. Santos
Sociobiology 67 (4) 554 (2020)

Ecological impact and population status of non-native bees in a Brazilian urban environment

Letícia Vanessa Graf, Rafael Dudeque Zenni and Rodrigo Barbosa Gonçalves
Revista Brasileira de Entomologia 64 (2) (2020)

Structural Changes in the Male Reproductive Tract of the Stingless Bee Scaptotrigona xanthotricha Moure 1950 (Meliponini, Apidae) During Sexual Maturation

Vinícius Albano Araujo, José Eduardo Serrão, Yasmine Antonini, Lucimar Gomes Dias and José Lino Neto
Sociobiology 67 (4) 526 (2020)

Diversity of Bee Assemblage (Family Apidae) in Natural and Agriculturally Intensified Ecosystems in Uruguay

Estela Santos, Gloria Daners, Enrique Morelli, Guillermo A Galván and Gloria DeGrandi-Hoffman
Environmental Entomology 49 (5) 1232 (2020)

Vanilla distribution modeling for conservation and sustainable cultivation in a joint land sparing/sharing concept

Charlotte Watteyn, Tobias Fremout, Adam P. Karremans, Ruthmery Pillco Huarcaya, José B. Azofeifa Bolaños, Bert Reubens and Bart Muys
Ecosphere 11 (3) (2020)

Bees and the Environmental Impact of the Rupture of the Fundão Dam

Kamilla Ingred Castelan Vieira, Hugo de Azevedo Werneck, José Eustáquio dos Santos Júnior, Dienny Sthefani da Silva Flores, José Eduardo Serrão, Lucio Antônio de Oliveira Campos and Helder Canto Resende
Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management 16 (5) 631 (2020)

Biodiversity and community composition of native bee populations vary among human-dominated land uses within the seasonally dry tropics

Sara M. Galbraith, Terry Griswold, William J. Price and Nilsa A. Bosque-Pérez
Journal of Insect Conservation 24 (6) 1045 (2020)

Floral Diversity in Different Types of Honey

Susana Linhares Haidamus, Maria Cristina Affonso Lorenzon, Adriano Soares Koshiyama and Wagner de Sousa Tassinari
Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology 62 (2019)

Phoretic mites associated to Bombus pauloensis and Bombus bellicosus (Hymenoptera: Apidae) from Uruguay

Pablo D. Revainera, Sheena Salvarrey, Estela Santos, et al.
Journal of Apicultural Research 1 (2019)

Richness of Wild Bees (Hymenoptera: Apidae) in a Forest Remnant in a Transition Region of Eastern Amazonia

Luciano André Chaves Ferreira, Denilson Costa Martins, Márcia Maria Corrêa Rêgo and Patrícia Maia Correia de Albuquerque
Psyche: A Journal of Entomology 2019 1 (2019)

Agricultural area losses and pollinator mismatch due to climate changes endanger passion fruit production in the Neotropics

Antonio Diego M. Bezerra, Alípio J.S. Pacheco Filho, Isac G.A. Bomfim, Guy Smagghe and Breno M. Freitas
Agricultural Systems 169 49 (2019)

The virome of an endangered stingless bee suffering from annual mortality in southern Brazil

Lílian Caesar, Samuel Paulo Cibulski, Cláudio Wageck Canal, et al.
Journal of General Virology 100 (7) 1153 (2019)

Temporal drop of genetic diversity in Bombus pauloensis

Kevin Maebe, Marina Haramboure, Mariano Lucia, Lepoldo Jésus Alvarez and Guy Smagghe
Apidologie 50 (4) 526 (2019)

Pollination Services from Insects in Homegardens in the Chengdu Plain will be Confronted with Crises

Qin Liu, Pei Xu, Kun Yan and Yingman Guo
Sustainability 11 (7) 2169 (2019)

Diversity of Meliponini and anothers Apiformes (Apidae sensu lato) in a Cerrado fragment and its surrounding, Campo Grande, MS

Antonia Railda Roel, Ricardo Dias Peruca, Felipe Varussa de Oliveira Lima, et al.
Biota Neotropica 19 (2) (2019)