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Decolonizing Indigenous science: Bees and Indigenous sovereignty

Phoenix Nakagawa, Hanika Nakagawa, Kyle Bobiwash and Allyson Kate Menzies
FACETS 10 1 (2025)

Management factors strongly affect flower-visiting insects in intensive apple orchards

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Less Known Is More Feared—A Survey of Children’s Knowledge of and Attitudes towards Honeybees

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Woody flowering plants support early-spring pollinators in urban greenspaces

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Megachilid bees (Hymenoptera: Anthophila: Megachilidae) of Ladakh: A morphological and molecular approach

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Viral- and fungal-mediated behavioral manipulation of hosts: summit disease

Abolfazl Masoudi, Ross A. Joseph and Nemat O. Keyhani
Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 108 (1) (2024)

A review of the potential impacts of coastal mosquito control programs on Australian Stingless Bees (Apidae, Meliponini)—likely exposure pathways and lessons learned from studies on honey bees

Brian J Johnson, James P Hereward, Rachele Wilson, Michael J Furlong, Gregor J Devine and Gail Langellotto
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Evolutionary genomics analysis reveals a unique lineage of Megachile pruina found in an isolated population in Bermuda

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When size matters: effectiveness of three endemic African stingless bees as watermelon pollinators

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Apidologie 55 (4) (2024)

Honey bee colony population annual dynamics in northern Ethiopia’s semi-arid region, Tigray

Teweldemedhn Gebretinsae Hailu, Kibebew Wakjira and Alison Gray
Journal of Apicultural Research 1 (2024)

GC-MS Analysis and Evaluation of Essential Oils as Volatile Biopesticides: Assessing Their Acaricidal Potential against Varroa destructor

Muhammad Fahad Raza, Moazam Hyder, Chonghui Zhao and Wenfeng Li
Agriculture 14 (6) 940 (2024)

Are parks as favourable habitats for wild bees as wastelands in watercourse valleys of a large city?

Anna Sobieraj-Betlińska and Lucyna Twerd
Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 99 128450 (2024)

One for all and all for one: a review on the commonality of risk to honeybees and wild pollinators and the benefits of beekeepers in conservation

Melissa A. Y. Oddie and Bjørn Dahle
Frontiers in Bee Science 2 (2024)

Black queen cell virus detected in endemic African stingless bees (Apidae: Meliponinae)

Kiatoko Nkoba, Ndung’u Nelly, Maria I. Pozo, H. M. G. Lattorff, Juliana Jaramillo and Baerbel Hundt
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Spatial and Temporal Variations in Richness, Diversity and Abundance of Floral Visitors of Curry Plants (Bergera koenigii L.): Insights on Plant-Pollinator Interactions

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Insects 15 (2) 83 (2024)

Effects of glyphosate and glyphosate‐based herbicide on learning and memory of the buff‐tailed bumblebee (Bombus terrestris)

Kimmo Kaakinen, Satu Ramula, Olli J. Loukola and Marjo Helander
Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 172 (4) 324 (2024)

Wing morphometric analysis using smartphone images and a free MATLAB-based tool: a case study with Apis mellifera from the Balearic Islands

Ernesto Angel-Beamonte, Pilar Santolaria, Susana Cortés-Calvo, Miriam Gonzalvo, Irene Muñoz Gabaldón, Pilar De la Rúa, Pablo Espejo and Jesús Yániz
Journal of Apicultural Research 1 (2024)

Does diatomaceous earth (DE) cause mortality on Apis mellifera and Bombus terrestris ?

Ozan Demirozer, Ismail Yashan Bulus, Gorkem Yanik, Asiye Uzun and Ayhan Gosterit
Journal of Apicultural Research 63 (4) 778 (2024)

Geometric morphometrics of the wings of Amazonian species of Melipona (Illiger, 1806) (Hymenoptera: Apidae)

Zootaxa 5404 (1) 124 (2024)

Dominance and identity of the dominant bee drive bee diversity on flowers

Sangeetha Varma, T. P. Rajesh, K. Manoj, G. Asha, T. Jobiraj and Palatty Allesh Sinu
Biodiversity and Conservation 33 (1) 333 (2024)

Wild Bee Conservation in Viticulture: Effects of Semi‐Natural Habitats, Organic Management, and Fungicide Reduction

Marvin Kaczmarek, Martin H. Entling and Christoph Hoffmann
Ecology and Evolution 14 (10) (2024)

Impacts of Climate Change and Mitigation Strategies for Some Abiotic and Biotic Constraints Influencing Fruit Growth and Quality

Eunice Bacelar, Teresa Pinto, Rosário Anjos, Maria Cristina Morais, Ivo Oliveira, Alice Vilela and Fernanda Cosme
Plants 13 (14) 1942 (2024)

An annotated checklist of the bees of Washington state

Chanda S. Bartholomew, Elizabeth A. Murray, Silas Bossert, Joel Gardner and Chris Looney
Journal of Hymenoptera Research 97 1007 (2024)

Drought response and urban-pollinator attractiveness of ornamental plant species

Margaux Quinanzoni, David Marcolet and Alice Michelot-Antalik
Basic and Applied Ecology 78 1 (2024)

BeeLife: a mobile application to foster environmental awareness in classroom settings

Adrian Stock, Oliver Stock, Julia Mönch, Markus Suren, Nadine Nicole Koch, Günter Daniel Rey and Maria Wirzberger
Frontiers in Computer Science 5 (2024)

Forest habitats and plant communities strongly predicts Megachilidae bee biodiversity

Lindsie M. McCabe, Paige Chesshire and Neil S. Cobb
PeerJ 11 e16145 (2023)

Informing policy and practice on insect pollinator declines: Tensions between conservation and animal welfare

Meghan Barrett, Bob Fischer and Stephen Buchmann
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 10 (2023)

Environmental variables and species traits as drivers of wild bee pollination in intensive agroecosystems—A metabarcoding approach

Marina Querejeta, Lorène Marchal, Paul Pfeiffer, Marilyn Roncoroni, Vincent Bretagnolle, Sabrina Gaba and Stéphane Boyer
Environmental DNA 5 (5) 1078 (2023)

Observing bees and wasps: Why surveys and monitoring programs are critical and how they can improve our understanding of these beneficial hymenopterans

Jason Graham, Joshua Campbell, Alexandra Tsalickis, Cory Stanley-Stahr and James Ellis
Journal of Pollination Ecology 33 139 (2023)

Colletes hederae bees are equally attracted by visual and olfactory cues of inconspicuous Hedera helix flowers

Kathrin Lukas, Stefan Dötterl, Manfred Ayasse and Hannah Burger
Chemoecology 33 (5) 135 (2023)

Checking in at bee hotels: trap-nesting occupancy and fitness of cavity-nesting bees in an urbanised biodiversity hotspot

Kit S. Prendergast
Urban Ecosystems 26 (5) 1381 (2023)

Environmental threats to beekeeping in the Western Balkan countries - beekeepers’ perceptions

Bojana Bekić Šarić, Etleva Dashi Muça, Jonel Subić, Irena Džimrevska and Slađan Rašić
Environmental Research Communications 5 (6) 065003 (2023)

Predicting future opportunities and threats of land-use changes on beekeeping activities in Turkey

Fatih Sari
Environment, Development and Sustainability 26 (9) 22389 (2023)

The gut microbiome of solitary bees is mainly affected by pathogen assemblage and partially by land use

Gregorio Fernandez De Landa, Daniele Alberoni, Loredana Baffoni, Mateo Fernandez De Landa, Pablo Damian Revainera, Leonardo Pablo Porrini, Constanza Brasesco, Silvina Quintana, Francisco Zumpano, Martìn Javier Eguaras, Matias Daniel Maggi and Diana Di Gioia
Environmental Microbiome 18 (1) (2023)

BEE‐quest of the nest: A novel method for eDNA‐based, nonlethal detection of cavity‐nesting hymenopterans and other arthropods

Wiebke Sickel, Josephine Kulow, Lasse Krüger and Petra Dieker
Environmental DNA 5 (6) 1163 (2023)

Large Remaining Forest Habitat Patches Help Preserve Wild Bee Diversity in Cultivated Blueberry Bush

Sergio Vega, Héctor Vázquez-Rivera, Étienne Normandin, Valérie Fournier and Jean-Philippe Lessard
Diversity 15 (3) 405 (2023)

Native flora receive more visits than exotics from bees, especially native bees, in an urbanised biodiversity hotspot

Kit S. Prendergast and Mike Calver
Pacific Conservation Biology 30 (1) (2023)

Cuphea hyssopifolia Kunth: A Potential Plant for Conserving Insect Pollinators in Shivalik Foot Hills of Himalaya

M. G. Deeksha, Mohammad Sarfraz Khan and K. M. Kumaranag
National Academy Science Letters 46 (2) 137 (2023)

Forests are critically important to global pollinator diversity and enhance pollination in adjacent crops

Michael Ulyshen, Katherine R. Urban‐Mead, James B. Dorey and James W. Rivers
Biological Reviews 98 (4) 1118 (2023)

Aridity mediates the effect of wood extraction on the reproductive output of an endemic disturbance‐adapted woody species (Cenostigma microphyllum, Leguminosae) in the Caatinga dry forest

Willams Oliveira, Oswaldo Cruz‐Neto, Jéssica Luiza S. Silva, Marcelo Tabarelli and Ariadna Valentina Lopes
Austral Ecology 48 (2) 251 (2023)

Effects of geographic origin and temperature on survival, development, and emergence of the managed pollinator Osmia lignaria

Morgan B. Scalici, Lindsie M. McCabe, Diane G. Alston and Theresa L. Pitts-Singer
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 11 (2023)

Towards a better understanding of the relationships between pollinators, human well‐being, and medicine plants in the Great Lakes Region of Eastern North America

Shelby D. Gibson and Sheila R. Colla
PLANTS, PEOPLE, PLANET 5 (6) 842 (2023)

Sulfoxaflor effects depend on the interaction with other pesticides and Nosema ceranae infection in the honey bee (Apis mellifera)

Álvaro Urueña, Nuria Blasco-Lavilla and Pilar De la Rúa
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 264 115427 (2023)

A little does a lot: Can small-scale planting for pollinators make a difference?

Philip Donkersley, Sammy Witchalls, Elias H. Bloom and David W. Crowder
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 343 108254 (2023)

Brain size predicts bees' tolerance to urban environments

Jose B. Lanuza, Miguel Á. Collado, Ferran Sayol, Daniel Sol and Ignasi Bartomeus
Biology Letters 19 (11) (2023)

Conservation of Local Honeybees (Apis mellifera L.) in Southeastern Turkey: A Preliminary Study for Morphological Characterization and Determination of Colony Performance

Atilla Oztokmak, Gonca Ozmen Ozbakir and Oznur Çaglar
Animals 13 (13) 2194 (2023)

Varroa Destructor Classification Using Legendre–Fourier Moments with Different Color Spaces

Alicia Noriega-Escamilla, César J. Camacho-Bello, Rosa M. Ortega-Mendoza, José H. Arroyo-Núñez and Lucia Gutiérrez-Lazcano
Journal of Imaging 9 (7) 144 (2023)

Complex preference relationships between native and non-native angiosperms and foraging insect visitors in a suburban greenspace under field and laboratory conditions

Scarlett R. Howard and Matthew R. E. Symonds
The Science of Nature 110 (3) (2023)

Floral resources used by bees in urban areas: the case of Geneva, Switzerland

Charlène Heiniger, Sophie Rochefort and Patrice Prunier
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 11 (2023)

Assessment of the Potential of the Invasive Arboreal Plant Ailanthus altissima (Simaroubaceae) as an Economically Prospective Source of Natural Pesticides

Ekaterina Kozuharova, Ardalan Pasdaran, Abdel Rahman Al Tawaha, Teodora Todorova, Zheko Naychov and Iliana Ionkova
Diversity 14 (8) 680 (2022)

Decreased bee emergence along an elevation gradient: Implications for climate change revealed by a transplant experiment

Lindsie M. McCabe, Clare E. Aslan and Neil S. Cobb
Ecology 103 (2) (2022)

Comparative effectiveness of wild bee pollination on the post-harvest characteristics of Grewia asiatica (Malvaceae)

Waseem Akram, Asif Sajjad, Mudssar Ali, Ammad Ahmad, Intazar Ali, Bushra Saddiq, Muhammad Yasin and Muhammad Anjum Aqueel
Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology 25 (3) 101958 (2022)

Effects of small-scale anthropogenic alterations in Euglossini bees at eastern Amazon forest

Ana C. E. Enríquez-Espinosa, Daniele G. Ramos, Alexandre S. Siqueira, Bárbara Dunck and Raphael Ligeiro
Iheringia. Série Zoologia 112 (2022)

California Native Perennials Attract Greater Native Pollinator Abundance and Diversity Than Nonnative, Commercially Available Ornamentals in Southern California

Annika Nabors, Keng-Lou James Hung, Lea Corkidi and James A Bethke
Environmental Entomology 51 (4) 836 (2022)

Organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) impact on the immunological activation pathways of the honey bee (Apis mellifera)

Juan Pablo Ek-Huchim, Elizabeth López-Torres, Maurilio Lara-Flores, Rodolfo E. del Río-Rodríguez and Ricardo Dzul-Caamal
JAINA Costas y Mares ante el Cambio Climático 4 (1) 79 (2022)

Do pesticide and pathogen interactions drive wild bee declines?

Lars Straub, Verena Strobl, Orlando Yañez, Matthias Albrecht, Mark J.F. Brown and Peter Neumann
International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife 18 232 (2022)

Utility of carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes for inferring wild bee (Hymenoptera: Apoidea) use of adjacent foraging habitats

Jessie Lanterman Novotny, Karen Goodell and Renee M. Borges
PLOS ONE 17 (7) e0271095 (2022)

Evaluating the chronic effect of two varroacides using multiple biomarkers and an integrated biological response index

María Benito-Murcia, Cristina Botías, Raquel Martín-Hernández, Mariano Higes, Francisco Soler, Marcos Perez-Lopez, María Prado Míguez-Santiyán and Salome Martinez-Morcillo
Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology 94 103920 (2022)

A Checklist of the Bees of Massachusetts (Hymenoptera: Apoidea: Anthophila)

Michael F. Veit, John S. Ascher, Joan Milam, Fred R. Morrison and Paul Z. Goldstein
Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society 94 (2) (2022)

Genomic architecture and sexually dimorphic expression underlying immunity in the red mason bee, Osmia bicornis

Jannik S. Möllmann and Thomas J. Colgan
Insect Molecular Biology 31 (6) 686 (2022)

Urban native vegetation remnants support more diverse native bee communities than residential gardens in Australia's southwest biodiversity hotspot

Kit S. Prendergast, Sean Tomlinson, Kingsley W. Dixon, Philip W. Bateman and Myles H.M. Menz
Biological Conservation 265 109408 (2022)

Monitoring bumblebee pollinator visits to the medicinal plant Gentiana asclepiadea L. (Gentianacese) – a comparison between the periods 1990–1994 and 2017–2020

Ekaterina Kozuharova and Vasil Simeonov
BioRisk 17 317 (2022)

Exposure to Magnetic Fields Changes the Behavioral Pattern in Honeybees (Apis mellifera L.) under Laboratory Conditions

Paweł Migdał, Ewelina Berbeć, Paweł Bieńkowski, Mateusz Plotnik, Agnieszka Murawska and Krzysztof Latarowski
Animals 12 (7) 855 (2022)

A global review of determinants of native bee assemblages in urbanised landscapes

Kit S. Prendergast, Kingsley W. Dixon and Philip W. Bateman
Insect Conservation and Diversity 15 (4) 385 (2022)

Response of honeybee colony size to flower strips in agricultural landscapes depends on areal proportion, spatial distribution and plant composition

Franziska Baden-Böhm, Jan Thiele and Jens Dauber
Basic and Applied Ecology 60 123 (2022)

A geographic approach for determining honey bee conservation areas for sustainable ecosystem services

Fatih Sari and Irfan Kandemir
Arabian Journal of Geosciences 15 (8) (2022)

The use of trap‐nests to support crop pollinators in agricultural areas

Amy‐Marie Gilpin, Laura E. Brettell, James M. Cook and Sally A. Power
Ecological Research 37 (6) 768 (2022)

Canopy cover and seasonality are associated with variation in native bee assemblages across a mixed pine‐juniper woodland

Thomas Seth Davis and Nathan Comai
Agricultural and Forest Entomology 24 (4) 497 (2022)

Natural habitat cover and fragmentation per se influence orchid-bee species richness in agricultural landscapes in the Brazilian Cerrado

Fernanda Gonçalves de Sousa, Juliana Silveira dos Santos, Felipe Martello, Milena Fiuza Diniz, Leonardo Lima Bergamini, Milton Cezar Ribeiro, Rosane Garcia Collevatti and Daniel Paiva Silva
Apidologie 53 (2) (2022)

Environmental exposures associated with honey bee health

Christopher Mayack, Anthony Macherone, Asal Ghaffari Zaki, Elif Filiztekin, Burcu Özkazanç, Yasameen Koperly, Sassicaia J. Schick, Elizabeth J. Eppley, Moniher Deb, Nicholas Ambiel, Alexis M. Schafsnitz and Robert L. Broadrup
Chemosphere 286 131948 (2022)

An approach to the modeling of honey bee colonies

Jhoana P. Romero-Leiton, Alejandro Gutierrez, Ivan Felipe Benavides, Oscar E. Molina and Alejandra Pulgarín
Web Ecology 22 (1) 7 (2022)

Plant- pollinator interaction network among the scrubland weed flora from foothills of north-western Indian Himalaya

M. G. Deeksha, Mohammad Sarfraz Khan and K. M. Kumaranag
International Journal of Tropical Insect Science 42 (2) 1593 (2022)

A metabarcoding framework for wild bee assessment in Luxembourg

Fernanda Herrera-Mesías, Imen Kharrat Ep Jarboui and Alexander M. Weigand
Journal of Hymenoptera Research 94 215 (2022)

The importance of soil and vegetation characteristics for establishing ground-nesting bee aggregations

Konstantinos Tsiolis, Simon Potts, Michael Garratt, Emma Tilston, Joseph Burman, Naomi Rintoul-Hynes and Michelle Fountain
Journal of Pollination Ecology 32 186 (2022)

Honey bee pathogenesis posing threat to its global population: a short review

Nagma Parveen, Rashi Miglani, Ankit Kumar, Seeta Dewali, Kulbhushan Kumar, Netrapal Sharma and Satpal Singh Bisht
Proceedings of the Indian National Science Academy 88 (1) 11 (2022)

Mudanças climáticas e o declínio das abelhas

Juliana Brito Santos, Matheus Cavalcante Viana, Cléa dos Santos Ferreira Mariano, Rodolpho Santos Telles de Menezes, Davi Galvão Nery and Simone Nunes Brandão
Terrae Didatica 18 e022022 (2022)

Independent, but not synergistic, effects of climate and landscape structure drive pollination and subsequent reproduction in a tropical plant, Heliconia tortuosa

Claire E. Woods, Kara G. Leimberger, Adam S. Hadley, Sarah J. K. Frey and Matthew G. Betts
Landscape Ecology 37 (4) 1059 (2022)

Double-blind validation of alternative wild bee identification techniques: DNA metabarcoding and in vivo determination in the field

Fernanda Herrera-Mesías, Christopher Bause, Sophie Ogan, Hannah Burger, Manfred Ayasse, Alexander M. Weigand and Thomas Eltz
Journal of Hymenoptera Research 93 189 (2022)

Urban ecosystem drives genetic diversity in feral honey bee

Aleksandra Patenković, Marija Tanasković, Pavle Erić, Katarina Erić, Milica Mihajlović, Ljubiša Stanisavljević and Slobodan Davidović
Scientific Reports 12 (1) (2022)