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Osmia cornuta Is a More Suitable Managed Pollinator for Cherry and Apple Orchards Than Osmia bicornis

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Exposure to elevated temperature during development affects eclosion and morphology in the temperate Pieris napi butterfly (Lepidoptera: Pieridae)

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Impact of oilseed rape coverage and other agricultural landscape characteristics on two generations of the red mason bee Osmia bicornis

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Effect of Pollination by the Osmia Bicornis (syn. O. rufa) Bee on Fruit Set, Seed Set and Yield in Three Apple Cultivars

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Body mass decline in a Mediterranean community of solitary bees supports the size shrinking effect of climatic warming

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Effect of Osmia bicornis supplemental pollination on seed yield of forest seed orchards

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Apidologie 54 (3) (2023)

Floral resources,energetic value and pesticide residues in provisions collected by Osmia bicornis along a gradient of oilseed rape coverage

Anna Misiewicz, Łukasz Mikołajczyk and Agnieszka J. Bednarska
Scientific Reports 13 (1) (2023)

The nutritional landscape in agroecosystems: a review on how resources and management practices can shape pollinator health in agricultural environments

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Annals of the Entomological Society of America 116 (5) 261 (2023)

The Formal Model for the solitary bee Osmia bicornis L. agent‑based model

Elżbieta Ziółkowska, Agnieszka Bednarska, Ryszard Laskowski and Christopher Topping
Food and Ecological Systems Modelling Journal 4 (2023)

The Impacts of Early-Life Experience on Bee Phenotypes and Fitness

Clare C Rittschof and Amanda S Denny
Integrative And Comparative Biology 63 (3) 808 (2023)

Concentration of Heavy Metals in Pollen and Bees Osmia bicornis L. in Three Different Habitats in the Łowicz District in Central Poland

Barbara Zajdel, Paweł Migdał, Agnieszka Murawska, Agata Jojczyk, Ewelina Berbeć, Kornelia Kucharska and Jakub Gąbka
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Impact of landscape configuration and composition on pollinator communities across different European biogeographic regions

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Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 11 (2023)

Elevated developmental temperatures impact the size and allometry of morphological traits of the bumblebee Bombus terrestris

Maxence Gérard, Marie Guiraud, Bérénice Cariou, Maxime Henrion and Emily Baird
Journal of Experimental Biology 226 (8) (2023)

Mixed diapause duration in cohorts of four species of Osmia bees (Megachilidae) along an elevation and temperature gradient in Northern Utah (USA)

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Effect of urbanization and its environmental stressors on the intraspecific variation of flight functional traits in two bumblebee species

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Oecologia 199 (2) 289 (2022)

Anthropogenic effects on the body size of two neotropical orchid bees

Johannes Garlin, Panagiotis Theodorou, Elisa Kathe, José Javier G. Quezada-Euán, Robert J. Paxton and Antonella Soro
BMC Ecology and Evolution 22 (1) (2022)

Improving Osmia lignaria and O. cornifrons (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae) retention with preferred nest materials and attractant spray

Mario S. Pinilla‐Gallego, Logan M. Rowe, Jason Gibbs, Theresa L. Pitts‐Singer and Rufus Isaacs
Journal of Applied Entomology 146 (6) 743 (2022)

Harrison’s rule corroborated for the body size of cleptoparasitic cuckoo bees (Hymenoptera: Apidae: Nomadinae) and their hosts

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Scientific Reports 12 (1) (2022)

Exposure to elevated temperature during development affects bumblebee foraging behavior

Maxence Gérard, Bérénice Cariou, Maxime Henrion, Charlotte Descamps, Emily Baird and Emilie Snell-Rood
Behavioral Ecology 33 (4) 816 (2022)

No evidence for impaired solitary bee fitness following pre-flowering sulfoxaflor application alone or in combination with a common fungicide in a semi-field experiment

Janine Melanie Schwarz, Anina C. Knauer, Matthew J. Allan, Robin R. Dean, Jaboury Ghazoul, Giovanni Tamburini, Dimitry Wintermantel, Alexandra-Maria Klein and Matthias Albrecht
Environment International 164 107252 (2022)

Effects of agricultural landscape structure, insecticide residues, and pollen diversity on the life-history traits of the red mason bee Osmia bicornis

Agnieszka J. Bednarska, Łukasz Mikołajczyk, Elżbieta Ziółkowska, Karolina Kocjan, Agnieszka Wnęk, Jaya Sravanthi Mokkapati, Dariusz Teper, Piotr Kaczyński, Bożena Łozowicka, Renata Śliwińska and Ryszard Laskowski
Science of The Total Environment 809 151142 (2022)

Sex and the City: Osmia Bicornis Has More Numerous and Bigger Female Offspring in Urban Environment

Aleksandra Splitt, Sylwia Pustkowiak, Mikołaj Borański, Aneta Strachecka and Piotr Skórka
SSRN Electronic Journal (2022)

Impact of Agricultural Landscape Structure with Different Oilseed Rape Coverage on Two Generations of the Red Mason Bee Osmia Bicornis

Anna Misiewicz, Łukasz Mikołajczyk and Agnieszka J. Bednarska
SSRN Electronic Journal (2022)

Current state of knowledge on the biology and breeding of the solitary bee – Osmia bicornis

Aleksandra Splitt, Michał Schulz and Piotr Skórka
Journal of Apicultural Research 61 (2) 163 (2022)

Floral resource distribution and fitness consequences for two solitary bee species in agricultural landscapes

Philipp W. Eckerter, Matthias Albrecht, Felix Herzog and Martin H. Entling
Basic and Applied Ecology 65 1 (2022)

Landscape characteristics predict body sizes in wild bees: implications for pollination services and foraging range

Sarah DePaolo Elzay and Kristen A. Baum
Journal of Insect Conservation 25 (2) 243 (2021)

Effects of crop and non-crop resources and competition: High importance of trees and oilseed rape for solitary bee reproduction

Johanna Yourstone, Melanie Karlsson, Björn K. Klatt, Ola Olsson and Henrik G. Smith
Biological Conservation 261 109249 (2021)

Opposing pressures of climate and land‐use change on a native bee

Evan P. Kelemen and Sandra M. Rehan
Global Change Biology 27 (5) 1017 (2021)

Keep trees for bees: Pollen collection by Osmia bicornis along the urbanization gradient

Aleksandra Splitt, Piotr Skórka, Aneta Strachecka, Mikołaj Borański and Dariusz Teper
Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 64 127250 (2021)

Negative Effects of the Neonicotinoid Clothianidin on Foraging Behavior and Antennal Sensitivity in Two Common Pollinator Species, Osmia bicornis and Bombus terrestris

Florian Straub, Ihotu Joy Orih, Judith Kimmich and Manfred Ayasse
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 9 (2021)

Sofía Meléndez Cartagena, Carlos A. Ortiz-Alvarado, Patricia Ordoñez, Claudia S. Cordero-Martínez, Alexandria F. Ambrose, Luis A Roman Lizasoain, Milexis A Santos Vega, Andrea V Velez Velez, Jenny P. Acevedo-Gonzalez, Jason Gibbs, Theodora Petanidou, Thomas Tscheulin, John T. Barthell, Victor H. González, Tugrul Giray and José L. Agosto-Rivera

Asynchrony between solitary bee emergence and flower availability reduces flower visitation rate and may affect offspring size

Anthony H. Slominski and Laura A. Burkle
Basic and Applied Ecology 56 345 (2021)

Larval food provisions affect developmental time, body size and vitellogenin titers of Scaptotrigona pectoralis gynes (Hymenoptera: Meliponini)

A. Morales, K. Hartfelder, S. Medina-Peralta and J. J. G. Quezada-Euán
Insectes Sociaux 68 (1) 93 (2021)

Chemical Variation among Castes, Female Life Stages and Populations of the Facultative Eusocial Sweat Bee Halictus rubicundus (Hymenoptera: Halictidae)

Iris Steitz, Robert J Paxton, Stefan Schulz and Manfred Ayasse
Journal of Chemical Ecology 47 (4-5) 406 (2021)

Solitary bee larvae prioritize carbohydrate over protein in parentally provided pollen

Alexander J. Austin, James D. J. Gilbert and Nick Priest
Functional Ecology 35 (5) 1069 (2021)

Identity of mass-flowering crops moderates functional trait composition of pollinator communities

Nicole Beyer, Felix Kirsch, Doreen Gabriel and Catrin Westphal
Landscape Ecology 36 (9) 2657 (2021)

Red mason bee (Osmia bicornis) thermal preferences for nest sites and their effects on offspring survival

Monika Ostap-Chec, Justyna Kierat, Karolina Kuszewska and Michal Woyciechowski
Apidologie 52 (3) 707 (2021)

Egg size‐mediated sex allocation and mating‐regulated reproductive investment in a haplodiploid thrips species

Alihan Katlav, James M. Cook, Markus Riegler and Thomas Houslay
Functional Ecology 35 (2) 485 (2021)

Adult body size measurement redundancies in Osmia lignaria and Megachile rotundata (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae)

Lindsie M. McCabe, Natalie K. Boyle, Morgan B. Scalici and Theresa L. Pitts-Singer
PeerJ 9 e12344 (2021)

Higher developmental temperature increases queen production and decreases worker body size in the bumblebee Bombus terrestris

Marie Guiraud, Bérénice Cariou, Maxime Henrion, Emily Baird and Maxence Gérard
Journal of Hymenoptera Research 88 39 (2021)

Interaction between warming and landscape foraging resource availability on solitary bee reproduction

Carlos Zaragoza‐Trello, Montserrat Vilà and Ignasi Bartomeus
Journal of Animal Ecology 90 (11) 2536 (2021)

Reproduction and Accompanying Fauna of Red Mason Bee Osmia rufa L. (syn. Osmia bicornis L.) in Areas with Different Levels of Urbanization

Barbara Zajdel, Mikołaj Borański, Kornelia Kucharska and Dariusz Teper
Journal of Apicultural Science 65 (1) 123 (2021)

Recommendations for standardized oral toxicity test protocols for larvae of solitary bees, Osmia spp.

Maxime Eeraerts, Matti Pisman, Ruben Vanderhaegen, Ivan Meeus and Guy Smagghe
Apidologie 51 (1) 48 (2020)

Domestic Gardens Mitigate Risk of Exposure of Pollinators to Pesticides—An Urban-Rural Case Study Using a Red Mason Bee Species for Biomonitoring

Martin Šlachta, Tomáš Erban, Alena Votavová, Tomáš Bešta, Michal Skalský, Marta Václavíková, Taťána Halešová, Magda Edwards-Jonášová, Renata Včeláková and Pavel Cudlín
Sustainability 12 (22) 9427 (2020)

Cavity-nesting bee communities in areas with different levels of vegetation disturbance

Anete P. Lourenço, Ana Paula M. Santos, Hélio H. Checon, Mayra R. Costa and Sebastião L. Assis Júnior
Studies on Neotropical Fauna and Environment 55 (2) 116 (2020)

Body Size Influences Stingless Bee (Hymenoptera: Apidae) Communities Across a Range of Deforestation Levels in Rondônia, Brazil

D M Mayes, C P Bhatta, D Shi, J C Brown and D R Smith
Journal of Insect Science 19 (2) (2019)

Seasonal shifts and complementary use of pollen sources by two bees, a lacewing and a ladybeetle species in European agricultural landscapes

Colette Bertrand, Philipp W. Eckerter, Lolita Ammann, Martin H. Entling, Erika Gobet, Felix Herzog, Laia Mestre, Willy Tinner, Matthias Albrecht and Lucas Garibaldi
Journal of Applied Ecology 56 (11) 2431 (2019)

Measurement of protein and sugar consumed by bumblebee larvae under standard and food stress conditions using lanthanide complexes

L. Macháčková, A. Votavová, M. Mikát, et al.
Insectes Sociaux 66 (2) 245 (2019)

Solitary Bee Life History Traits and Sex Mediate Responses to Manipulated Seasonal Temperatures and Season Length

Anthony H. Slominski and Laura A. Burkle
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 7 (2019)

Agricultural land use yields reduced foraging efficiency and unviable offspring in the wild bee Ceratina calcarata

Sabine S. Nooten and Sandra M. Rehan
Ecological Entomology 44 (4) 534 (2019)

Body size variation in bees: regulation, mechanisms, and relationship to social organization

Hanna Chole, Sarah Hollis Woodard and Guy Bloch
Current Opinion in Insect Science 35 77 (2019)

Pollen Use by Osmia lignaria (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae) in Highbush Blueberry Fields

Mario S Pinilla-Gallego and Rufus Isaacs
Annals of the Entomological Society of America (2018)

The value of small arable habitats in the agricultural landscape: Importance for vascular plants and the provisioning of floral resources for bees

Annika M.E. Söderman, Therese Irminger Street, Karin Hall, et al.
Ecological Indicators 84 553 (2018)

Progeny Density and Nest Availability Affect Parasitism Risk and Reproduction in a Solitary Bee (Osmia lignaria) (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae)

Shahla Farzan
Environmental Entomology 47 (1) 70 (2018)

Lower temperatures decrease worker size variation but do not affect fine-grained thermoregulation in bumble bees

Evan Kelemen and Anna Dornhaus
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 72 (10) (2018)

Patterns of size variation in bees at a continental scale: does Bergmann's rule apply?

Maxence Gérard, Maryse Vanderplanck, Markus Franzen, Michael Kuhlmann, Simon G. Potts, Pierre Rasmont, Oliver Schweiger and Denis Michez
Oikos 127 (8) 1095 (2018)

When beggars are choosers—How nesting of a solitary bee is affected by temporal dynamics of pollen plants in the landscape

Anna S. Persson, Florence Mazier and Henrik G. Smith
Ecology and Evolution 8 (11) 5777 (2018)

Effects of pollen species composition on the foraging behaviour and offspring performance of the mason bee Osmia bicornis (L.)

Tibor Bukovinszky, Ijsbrand Rikken, Sanne Evers, et al.
Basic and Applied Ecology 18 21 (2017)

The thermal environment of the nest affects body and cell size in the solitary red mason bee (Osmia bicornis L.)

Justyna Kierat, Hajnalka Szentgyörgyi, Marcin Czarnoleski and Michał Woyciechowski
Journal of Thermal Biology 68 39 (2017)

Effects of exposure to winter oilseed rape grown from thiamethoxam-treated seed on the red mason bee Osmia bicornis

Natalie Ruddle, Charlotte Elston, Olaf Klein, Anja Hamberger and Helen Thompson
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 37 (4) 1071 (2017)

Forewing structure of the solitary bee Osmia bicornis developing on heavy metal pollution gradient

Hajnalka Szentgyörgyi, Dawid Moroń, Anna Nawrocka, Adam Tofilski and Michał Woyciechowski
Ecotoxicology 26 (8) 1031 (2017)

Maternal manipulation of pollen provisions affects worker production in a small carpenter bee

Sarah P. Lawson, Krista N. Ciaccio and Sandra M. Rehan
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 70 (11) 1891 (2016)

Size and Sex-Dependent Shrinkage of Dutch Bees during One-and-a-Half Centuries of Land-Use Change

Mikail O. Oliveira, Breno M. Freitas, Jeroen Scheper, David Kleijn and Matjaž Kuntner
PLOS ONE 11 (2) e0148983 (2016)

Intraspecific body size increases with habitat fragmentation in wild bee pollinators

Daniela Warzecha, Tim Diekötter, Volkmar Wolters and Frank Jauker
Landscape Ecology 31 (7) 1449 (2016)

Landscape distribution of food and nesting sites affect larval diet and nest size, but not abundance of Osmia bicornis

Valérie Coudrain, Sarah Rittiner, Felix Herzog, Willy Tinner and Martin H. Entling
Insect Science 23 (5) 746 (2016)

Natural History of Tetrapedia diversipes (Hymenoptera: Apidae) in an Atlantic Semideciduous Forest Remnant Surrounded by Coffee Crops, Coffea arabica (Rubiaceae)

L. C. Rocha-Filho and C. A. Garófalo
Annals of the Entomological Society of America 109 (2) 183 (2016)

Resource Effects on Solitary Bee Reproduction in a Managed Crop Pollination System

Theresa L. Pitts-Singer
Environmental Entomology 44 (4) 1125 (2015)

Toxicity of Spirotetramat on Solitary Bee Larvae, Osmia Cornuta (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae), in Laboratory Conditions

Fabio Sgolastra, Simone Tosi, Piotr Medrzycki, Claudio Porrini and Giovanni Burgio
Journal of Apicultural Science 59 (2) (2015)

Soldier production in a stingless bee depends on rearing location and nurse behaviour

Francisca H. I. D. Segers, Cristiano Menezes, Ayrton Vollet-Neto, Dorothee Lambert and Christoph Grüter
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 69 (4) 613 (2015)

Sublethal neonicotinoid insecticide exposure reduces solitary bee reproductive success

Christoph Sandrock, Lorenzo G. Tanadini, Jeffery S. Pettis, Jacobus C. Biesmeijer, Simon G. Potts and Peter Neumann
Agricultural and Forest Entomology 16 (2) 119 (2014)