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A preliminary study on the molecular variabilities in Varroa destructor and its effect on the body measurements

Harun Kaya Kesik, Seyma Gunyakti Kilinc, Figen Celik, Abdurrahman Gul and Sami Simsek
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Haplotype Affiliation of Varroa Destructor in Selected Locations From Poland and Ukraine

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Genome-wide SNPs show hybridization of Varroa mites from different Apis hosts in Vietnam and Taiwan

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Prospects, challenges and perspectives in harnessing natural selection to solve the ‘varroa problem’ of honey bees

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Syntheses of (+)-costic acid and structurally related eudesmane sesquiterpenoids and their biological evaluations as acaricidal agents against Varroa destructor

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Genetic variability of the honey bee mite, Varroa destructor, from a humid continental climatic region of Canada, and temperate and tropical climatic regions of Mexico

Mariana Reyes-Quintana, Paul H. Goodwin, Adriana Correa-Benítez, Roberto Pelaez-Hernández and Ernesto Guzman-Novoa
Experimental and Applied Acarology 91 (4) 541 (2023)

LAMP (Loop-mediated isothermal amplification) assay for rapid identification of Varroa mites

Lea Rako, Arati Agarwal, Lixin Eow, John M. K. Roberts, Brendan C. Rodoni and Mark J. Blacket
Scientific Reports 13 (1) (2023)

Prevalence and pathogen detection of Varroa and Tropilaelaps mites in Apis mellifera (Hymenoptera, Apidae) apiaries in South Korea

A-Tai Truong, Mi-Sun Yoo, Bo-Ram Yun, Jeong Eun Kang, Jinhyeong Noh, Tae Jun Hwang, Soo Kyoung Seo, Soon-Seek Yoon and Yun Sang Cho
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Insights into varroa mite (Varroa destructor) infestation levels in local honeybee (Apis mellifera) colonies of Ethiopia

Alemayehu Gela, Anagaw Atickem, Amssalu Bezabeh, Yitbarek Woldehawariat and Araya Gebresilassie
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Viral communities in the parasite Varroa destructor and in colonies of their honey bee host (Apis mellifera) in New Zealand

Philip J. Lester, Antoine Felden, James W. Baty, Mariana Bulgarella, John Haywood, Ashley N. Mortensen, Emily J. Remnant and Zoe E. Smeele
Scientific Reports 12 (1) (2022)

Characteristics of Varroa underwoodi mites (Acari: Varroidae) in the population of Apis cerana ussuriensis (Hymenoptera: Apidae) in the Primorsky Krai of Russia

R. A. Ilyasov, J. I. Takahashi, M. L. Lee, M. Y. Proshchalykin, A. S. Lelej, H. W. Kwon, V. N. Danilenko and A. G. Nikolenko
Biology Bulletin Reviews 12 (5) 516 (2022)

The first steps toward a global pandemic: Reconstructing the demographic history of parasite host switches in its native range

Maeva A. Techer, John M. K. Roberts, Reed A. Cartwright and Alexander S. Mikheyev
Molecular Ecology 31 (5) 1358 (2022)

Molecular Detection and Differentiation of Arthropod, Fungal, Protozoan, Bacterial and Viral Pathogens of Honeybees

Lucas Lannutti, Fernanda Noemi Gonzales, Maria José Dus Santos, Mónica Florin-Christensen and Leonhard Schnittger
Veterinary Sciences 9 (5) 221 (2022)

Understanding the Enemy: A Review of the Genetics, Behavior and Chemical Ecology of Varroa destructor, the Parasitic Mite of Apis mellifera

Taylor Reams, Juliana Rangel and Margarita Lopez-Uribe
Journal of Insect Science 22 (1) (2022)

Population genetics and host specificity of Varroa destructor mites infesting eastern and western honeybees

Zheguang Lin, Shuai Wang, Peter Neumann, Gongwen Chen, Paul Page, Li Li, Fuliang Hu, Huoqing Zheng and Vincent Dietemann
Journal of Pest Science 94 (4) 1487 (2021)

Molecular Detection of Nosema spp. in Honey in Bulgaria

Delka Salkova, Rositsa Shumkova, Ralitsa Balkanska, Nadezhda Palova, Boyko Neov, Georgi Radoslavov and Peter Hristov
Veterinary Sciences 9 (1) 10 (2021)

Genetic analysis and screening of pyrethroid resistance mutations in Varroa destructor populations from Turkey

Nafiye Koç, Emre İnak, Wim Jonckheere and Thomas Van Leeuwen
Experimental and Applied Acarology 84 (2) 433 (2021)

First Evidence of Presence of Varroa underwoodi Mites on Native Apis cerana Colonies in Primorsky Territory of Russia Based on COX1 Gene

Rustem A. Ilyasov, Jun-ichi Takahashi, Maxim Y. Proshchalykin, Arkady S. Lelej, Myeong-lyeol Lee, Hyung Wook Kwon and Alexey G. Nikolenko
Journal of Apicultural Science 65 (1) 177 (2021)

Latest Information on the Ecology of the Ectoparasitic Mite Varroa destructor(Mesostigmata: Varroidae)and the Resistance of Its Host, Honey Bees(Hymenoptera: Apidae)

Yoshiko Sakamoto
Japanese Journal of Applied Entomology and Zoology 65 (2) 71 (2021)

Mutations associated with pyrethroid resistance in the honey bee parasite Varroa destructor evolved as a series of parallel and sequential events

Anabel Millán-Leiva, Óscar Marín, Pilar De la Rúa, Irene Muñoz, Anastasia Tsagkarakou, Heather Eversol, Krisztina Christmon, Dennis vanEngelsdorp and Joel González-Cabrera
Journal of Pest Science 94 (4) 1505 (2021)

Scientific note:Varroa jacobsoni and V. destructor on hill and plains strains of Apis cerana in southern India

Chet Prasad Bhatta, M. S. Reddy and Deborah Roan Smith
Apidologie 51 (3) 391 (2020)

Characterization of Varroa destructor Mites in Cuba Using Mitochondrial and Nuclear Markers

Anais Rodríguez, Carlos A. Yadró, Adolfo Pérez, Ciro Invernizzi and Ivanna Tomasco
Journal of Apicultural Science 64 (2) 335 (2020)

Dominant honeybee colony infestation by Varroa destructor (Acari: Varroidae) K haplotype in Japan

Mari H. Ogihara, Mikio Yoshiyama, Nobuo Morimoto and Kiyoshi Kimura
Applied Entomology and Zoology 55 (2) 189 (2020)

Reproduction of ectoparasitic mites in a coevolved system: Varroa spp.—Eastern honey bees, Apis cerana

Shuai Wang, Zheguang Lin, Gongwen Chen, Paul Page, Fuliang Hu, Qingsheng Niu, Xiaoling Su, Panuwan Chantawannakul, Peter Neumann, Huoqing Zheng and Vincent Dietemann
Ecology and Evolution 10 (24) 14359 (2020)

Genetic variation and heteroplasmy of Varroa destructor inferred from ND4 mtDNA sequences

Irina Muntaabski, Romina M. Russo, María C. Liendo, et al.
Parasitology Research 119 (2) 411 (2020)

Population genetics of ectoparasitic mites suggest arms race with honeybee hosts

Alexis L. Beaurepaire, Arrigo Moro, Fanny Mondet, Yves Le Conte, Peter Neumann and Barbara Locke
Scientific Reports 9 (1) (2019)

Reproduction of Distinct Varroa destructor Genotypes on Honey Bee Worker Brood

Wenfeng Li, Cheng Wang, Zachary Y. Huang, Yanping Chen and Richou Han
Insects 10 (11) 372 (2019)

Coexistence of genetically different Varroa destructor in Apis mellifera colonies

Bojan Gajić, Irene Muñoz, Pilar De la Rúa, et al.
Experimental and Applied Acarology 78 (3) 315 (2019)

Population genetics of ectoparasitic mites Varroa spp. in Eastern and Western honey bees

Vincent Dietemann, Alexis Beaurepaire, Paul Page, et al.
Parasitology 146 (11) 1429 (2019)

Divergent evolutionary trajectories following speciation in two ectoparasitic honey bee mites

Maeva A. Techer, Rahul V. Rane, Miguel L. Grau, John M. K. Roberts, Shawn T. Sullivan, Ivan Liachko, Anna K. Childers, Jay D. Evans and Alexander S. Mikheyev
Communications Biology 2 (1) (2019)

A next generation sequencing approach for targeted Varroa destructor (Acari: Varroidae) mitochondrial DNA analysis based on honey derived environmental DNA

Valerio Joe Utzeri, Giuseppina Schiavo, Anisa Ribani, et al.
Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 161 47 (2019)

Ectoparasitic Mites Varroa underwoodi (Acarina: Varroidae) in Eastern Honeybees, but not in Western Honeybees

Shuai Wang, Zheguang Lin, Vincent Dietemann, et al.
Journal of Economic Entomology (2018)

Reproduction of parasitic mites Varroa destructor in original and new honeybee hosts

Zheguang Lin, Yao Qin, Paul Page, Shuai Wang, Li Li, Zhengsheng Wen, Fuliang Hu, Peter Neumann, Huoqing Zheng and Vincent Dietemann
Ecology and Evolution 8 (4) 2135 (2018)

Genetic variability and pyrethroid susceptibility of the parasitic honey bee mite Varroa destructor (Acari: Varroidae) in Iran

Mahsa Farjamfar, Alireza Saboori, Joel González-Cabrera and Carmen Sara Hernández Rodríguez
Experimental and Applied Acarology 76 (1) 139 (2018)

Evaluations of the Removal of Varroa destructor in Russian Honey Bee Colonies that Display Different Levels of Varroa Sensitive Hygienic Activities

Maria J. Kirrane, Lilia I. de Guzman, Pádraig M. Whelan, Amanda M. Frake and Thomas E. Rinderer
Journal of Insect Behavior 31 (3) 283 (2018)

Varroa mites, viruses and bacteria incidences in Kenyan domesticated honeybee colonies

Onyango Irene Awino, Robert Skilton, Shadrack Muya, et al.
East African Agricultural and Forestry Journal 82 (1) 23 (2017)

Occurrence of Deformed wing virus, Chronic bee paralysis virus and mtDNA variants in haplotype K of Varroa destructor mites in Syrian apiaries

Toufic Elbeaino, Nouraldin Daher-Hjaij, Faiz Ismaeil, et al.
Experimental and Applied Acarology 69 (1) 11 (2016)

Haplotype identification and detection of mitochondrial DNA heteroplasmy in Varroa destructor mites using ARMS and PCR–RFLP methods

Bojan Gajić, Jevrosima Stevanović, Željko Radulović, et al.
Experimental and Applied Acarology 70 (3) 287 (2016)

Differential gene expression in Varroa jacobsoni mites following a host shift to European honey bees (Apis mellifera)

Gladys K. Andino, Michael Gribskov, Denis L. Anderson, Jay D. Evans and Greg J. Hunt
BMC Genomics 17 (1) (2016)

Factors influencing the prevalence and infestation levels of Varroa destructor in honeybee colonies in two highland agro-ecological zones of Uganda

Moses Chemurot, Anne M. Akol, Charles Masembe, et al.
Experimental and Applied Acarology 68 (4) 497 (2016)

The Honey Bee Pathosphere of Mongolia: European Viruses in Central Asia

Khaliunaa Tsevegmid, Peter Neumann, Orlando Yañez and Wolfgang Blenau
PLOS ONE 11 (3) e0151164 (2016)

Host Specificity in the Honeybee Parasitic Mite, Varroa spp. in Apis mellifera and Apis cerana

Alexis L. Beaurepaire, Tuan A. Truong, Alejandro C. Fajardo, et al.
PLOS ONE 10 (8) e0135103 (2015)

The presence of varroa in Uganda and knowledge about it by the beekeeping industry

Patrice Kasangaki, Agnes Sarah Otim, Patrick P’Odyek Abila, Christopher Angiro, Moses Chemurot and Robert Kajobe
Journal of Apicultural Research 54 (4) 373 (2015)

A new detection method for a newly revealed mechanism of pyrethroid resistance development in Varroa destructor

Aneta Strachecka, Grzegorz Borsuk, Krzysztof Olszewski and Jerzy Paleolog
Parasitology Research 114 (11) 3999 (2015)

Multiple host shifts by the emerging honeybee parasite, Varroa jacobsoni

J. M. K. Roberts, D. L. Anderson and W. T. Tay
Molecular Ecology 24 (10) 2379 (2015)

Varroa destructor changes its cuticular hydrocarbons to mimic new hosts

Y. Le Conte, Z. Y. Huang, M. Roux, et al.
Biology Letters 11 (6) 20150233 (2015)

Recent cases of invasive alien mites and ticks in Japan: why is a regulatory framework needed?

Koichi Goka, Kimiko Okabe and Ai Takano
Experimental and Applied Acarology 59 (1-2) 245 (2013)

Variability of the honey bee mite Varroa destructor in Serbia, based on mtDNA analysis

Bojan Gajic, Zeljko Radulovic, Jevrosima Stevanovic, et al.
Experimental and Applied Acarology 61 (1) 97 (2013)

Spread and strain determination of Varroa destructor (Acari: Varroidae) in Madagascar since its first report in 2010

Henriette Rasolofoarivao, Johanna Clémencet, Lala Harivelo Raveloson Ravaomanarivo, et al.
Experimental and Applied Acarology 60 (4) 521 (2013)

Varroa destructor: research avenues towards sustainable control

Vincent Dietemann, Jochen Pflugfelder, Denis Anderson, et al.
Journal of Apicultural Research 51 (1) 125 (2012)

Effects of Long Distance Transportation on Honey Bee Physiology

Kiheung Ahn, Xianbing Xie, Joseph Riddle, Jeff Pettis and Zachary Y. Huang
Psyche: A Journal of Entomology 2012 1 (2012)

Three QTL in the honey bee Apis mellifera L. suppress reproduction of the parasitic mite Varroa destructor

Dieter Behrens, Qiang Huang, Cornelia Geßner, Peter Rosenkranz, Eva Frey, Barbara Locke, Robin F. A. Moritz and F. B. Kraus
Ecology and Evolution 1 (4) 451 (2011)