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Declining potential nectar production of the herb layer in temperate forests under global change
Wim De Schuyter, Emiel De Lombaerde, Leen Depauw, Pallieter De Smedt, Alina Stachurska‐Swakoń, Anna Orczewska, Balázs Teleki, Bogdan Jaroszewicz, Déborah Closset, František Máliš, Fraser Mitchell, Fride Høistad Schei, George Peterken, Guillaume Decocq, Hans Van Calster, Jan Šebesta, Jonathan Lenoir, Jörg Brunet, Kamila Reczyńska, Krzysztof Świerkosz, Martin Diekmann, Martin Kopecký, Markéta Chudomelová, Martin Hermy, Martin Macek, et al. Journal of Ecology 112(4) 832 (2024)
Influence of Distance, Environmental Factors, and Native Vegetation on Honeybee (Apis mellifera) Foraging in Arid Shrublands and Grasslands
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Can strategic integration of cultivated pasture legumes into temperate agricultural systems provide stability to honey bee populations and associated industries?
Joanne J. M. Wisdom, Daniel R. Kidd, Megan H. Ryan, Liz Barbour, Alistair Hockey, Gregory R. Cawthray and Kevin J. Foster PLANTS, PEOPLE, PLANET (2024)
Corymbia calophylla (Marri) (K. D. Hill & L. A. S. Johnson) (Myrtaceae) is a major resource for native bees in the southwest western Australian biodiversity hotspot
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Impacts of Climate Change and Mitigation Strategies for Some Abiotic and Biotic Constraints Influencing Fruit Growth and Quality
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Honey bee protein and lipid nutrition in avocado and blueberry agroecosystems with conventional and organic management
Heritability and correlations for honey yield, handling ease, brood quantity, and traits related to resilience in a French honeybee population
Tristan Kistler, Coline Kouchner, Evert W. Brascamp, Charlène Dumas, Fanny Mondet, Alain Vignal, Benjamin Basso, Piter Bijma and Florence Phocas Apidologie 55(4) (2024)
Biodiverse Management of Perennial Flower Margins in Farmland: Meandering Mowing by ‘Three-Strip Management’ to Boost Pollinators and Beneficial Insects
Synergistic effects between microplastics and glyphosate on honey bee larvae
G.A. Mitton, M. Corona, M. Alburaki, A.E. Iglesias, F. Ramos, G. Fuentes, M.M. Vázquez, F.M. Mitton, P. Chan, SR Ruffinengo and M.D. Maggi Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology 111 104550 (2024)
Industrial forestry negatively affects small-farms honey production in south-central Chile: evidence from a landscape scale
Alberto J. Alaniz, Agdalin Valenzuela, Pablo M. Vergara, Mario A. Carvajal and Dario Moreira-Arce Journal of Apicultural Research 63(5) 1114 (2024)
How pollinator dependence may mediate farmer adoption of pollinator supporting practices and perceptions: a case study from western France
Jerome Faure, Lauriane Mouysset, Fabrice Allier, Axel Decourtye and Sabrina Gaba Environmental Research Communications 6(9) 095010 (2024)
Agricultural intensification impairs behavioral abilities and the expression of genes associated with social responsiveness in honeybees
Ivana N. Macri, Pablo J. Moja, Jose M. Latorre Estivalis, Diego S. Cristos, Jorge A. Zavala and Walter M. Farina One Earth 7(9) 1569 (2024)
Nectar Characteristics and Honey Production Potential of Five Rapeseed Cultivars and Two Wildflower Species in South Korea
Honey bee colonies can buffer short-term stressor effects of pollen restriction and fungicide exposure on colony development and the microbiome
Karoline Wueppenhorst, Abdulrahim T. Alkassab, Hannes Beims, Ulrich Ernst, Elsa Friedrich, Ingrid Illies, Martina Janke, Wolfgang H. Kirchner, Kim Seidel, Michael Steinert, Andrey Yurkov, Silvio Erler and Richard Odemer Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 282 116723 (2024)
Sainfoin (Onobrychis viciifolia) a legume with great ecological and agronomical potential under climate change
Anis Sakhraoui, Hela B. Ltaeif, Asma Sakhraoui, Juan J. Villalba, Jesús M. Castillo and Slim Rouz The Journal of Agricultural Science 1 (2024)
Varroa Mite Counting Based on Hyperspectral Imaging
Future-proofing the pollination services to insect-pollinated crop production
R. Rader, L. Schmidt, M. Rocchetti, D. Wright, K. Bezerra da Silva Santos, A. Dingley, J. Preradovic, J. Jones, B. Dawson, L.W. DeVetter, D.J. Perović and A.E. Davis Acta Horticulturae (1388) 17 (2024)
Floral interventions enhance flower visitor communities and pollination services in moringa plantations
Selva Dhandapani, Manikandan Pakkirisamy, Ranjith Rajaraman, Michael P. D. Garratt, Simon G. Potts, Rengalakshmi Raj, Malarvannan Subramanian and Deepa Senapathi Journal of Applied Ecology 61(1) 90 (2024)
Wildflower plantings and honeybee competition impact nutritional quality of wild bee diets
Thinking inside the box: Restoring the propolis envelope facilitates honey bee social immunity
Maggie Shanahan, Michael Simone-Finstrom, Philip Tokarz, Frank Rinkevich, Quentin D. Read, Marla Spivak and Olav Rueppell PLOS ONE 19(1) e0291744 (2024)
Variation in Pesticide Toxicity in the Western Honey Bee (Apis mellifera) Associated with Consuming Phytochemically Different Monofloral Honeys
Beekeeping and agropastoralism interactions through floral resources in the French Mount Lozère
Gabriel Gonella, Estelle Leoni, Léo Mouillard-Lample, Claire Aubron, Axel Decourtye, Marc Deconchat and Cécile Barnaud Agronomy for Sustainable Development 44(5) (2024)
Prototype Biodiversity Digital Twin: grassland biodiversity dynamics
Franziska Taubert, Tuomas Rossi, Christoph Wohner, Sarah Venier, Tomáš Martinovič, Taimur Khan, Julian Gordillo and Thomas Banitz Research Ideas and Outcomes 10 (2024)
“Three-strip management”: introducing a novel mowing method in perennial flower strips and grass margins to increase habitat complexity and attractiveness for pollinators
Impacts of fallow cropland winter “weeds” on honey bee pre-swarm colony growth
Clare C. Rittschof, Erin R. Haramoto, Douglass W. Potter, Amanda S. Denny and James W. Harrison Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 356 108653 (2023)
Native flora receive more visits than exotics from bees, especially native bees, in an urbanised biodiversity hotspot
Pollinator spillover: Hay cutting of grass with white clover, Trifolium repens, displaces bees and increases their abundance in adjacent patches of bramble, Rubus fruticosus
Designing Management Strategies for Sheep Production and Bees in Dryland Pastures
Mia Caudillo, Andony Melathopoulos, David Eduardo Prado-Tarango, Mary Smallman, Sarah A. Taylor and Serkan Ates Agronomy 14(1) 24 (2023)
The golden native drone fly (Eristalinus punctulatus) is an effective hybrid carrot pollinator that lives within Australian crop agroecosystems
Abby E. Davis, Lena A. Schmidt, Karen C. B. S. Santos, Lucie Martin, Samantha Harrington, Maurizio Rocchetti, Brad Hocking, Derek Wright, Cameron Spurr, David Cook and Romina Rader Ecological Solutions and Evidence 4(4) (2023)
Using botanical resources to select wild forage legumes for domestication in temperate grassland agricultural systems
Forest landscapes increase diversity of honeybee diets in the tropics
Chris Cannizzaro, Alexander Keller, Rachele S. Wilson, Brittany Elliott, Ryan Newis, Raywin Ovah, Kelly Inae, Douglas H. Kerlin, Ido Bar, Wiebke Kämper, Alison Shapcott and Helen M. Wallace Forest Ecology and Management 504 119869 (2022)
Hemolymph Metabolism Analysis of Honey Bee (Apis mellifera L.) Response to Different Bee Pollens
Winter flowers for bees: reproductive biology of Trixis praestans (Asteraceae)
Camila Cuffia, María Carolina Cerino, Pablo Andrés Tomas and Eliana de Luján Exner Plant Systematics and Evolution 308(4) (2022)
“Migratory beekeeping and its influence on the prevalence and dispersal of pathogens to managed and wild bees”
Vicente Martínez-López, Carlos Ruiz and Pilar De la Rúa International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife 18 184 (2022)
Attractiveness of Drought-tolerant Plants to Insect Pollinators in the Southern High Plains Region
Pollination efficiency of bumblebee, honeybee, and hawkmoth in kabocha squash, Cucurbita maxima, production in Kagoshima, Japan
Tsunashi Kamo, Aoi Nikkeshi, Tomoya Tawaratsumida, Yoshihiro Tanaka, Shoko Nakamura and Shigeki Kishi Applied Entomology and Zoology 57(2) 119 (2022)
Pollen–insect interaction meta‐networks identify key relationships for conservation in mosaic agricultural landscapes
Mark A. Hall, Jamie R. Stavert, Manu E. Saunders, Shannon Barr, Simon G. Haberle and Romina Rader Ecological Applications 32(4) (2022)
Annual Development Performance of Fixed Honeybee Colonies Linked with Chemical and Mineral Profile of Bee Collected Pollen
Pollen collection by honey bee hives in almond orchards indicate diverse diets
Karen Cristine Bezerra da Silva Santos, Elizabeth Frost, Ulrika Samnegård, Manu E. Saunders and Romina Rader Basic and Applied Ecology 64 68 (2022)
Beekeeping as an incentive to catchment rehabilitation
Tura Bareke, Meseret Gemeda, Tolera Kumsa, Admassu Addi and Wongelu Endale International Journal of Environmental Studies 79(4) 613 (2022)
Effects of Temperature and Wildflower Strips on Survival and Macronutrient Stores of the Alfalfa Leafcutting Bee (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae) Under Extended Cold Storage
Mia G Park, Casey M Delphia, Cassandra Prince, George D Yocum, Joseph P Rinehart, Kevin M O’Neill, Laura A Burkle, Julia H Bowsher, Kendra J Greenlee and Daniela Lupi Environmental Entomology 51(5) 958 (2022)
Monitoring of honey bee floral resources with pollen DNA metabarcoding as a complementary tool to vegetation surveys
Liz Milla, Alexander Schmidt‐Lebuhn, Jessica Bovill and Francisco Encinas‐Viso Ecological Solutions and Evidence 3(1) (2022)
Insect pollinators of eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) in the Indian Himalayas and their role in enhancement of fruit quality and yield
Amit Umesh Paschapur, Sunaullah Bhat, A. R. N. S. Subbanna, Nirmal Kumar Hedau, Krishna Kant Mishra and Lakshmi Kant Arthropod-Plant Interactions 16(3-4) 349 (2022)
Beekeeping in Malta: A Review of Current Practices, Trends and Challenges
Insect Feeding on Sorghum bicolor Pollen and Hymenoptera Attraction to Aphid-Produced Honeydew
Karen R. Harris-Shultz, John Scott Armstrong, Michael Caballero, William Wyatt Hoback and Joseph E. Knoll Insects 13(12) 1152 (2022)
Native flower strips increase visitation by non-bee insects to avocado flowers and promote yield
Reviewing the Efficacy of Pollen Substitutes as a Management Tool for Improving the Health and Productivity of Western Honey Bee (Apis mellifera) Colonies
CSI Pollen: Diversity of Honey Bee Collected Pollen Studied by Citizen Scientists
Robert Brodschneider, Elfriede Kalcher-Sommersguter, Sabrina Kuchling, Vincent Dietemann, Alison Gray, Janko Božič, Andrejs Briedis, Norman L. Carreck, Robert Chlebo, Karl Crailsheim, Mary Frances Coffey, Bjørn Dahle, Amelia Virginia González-Porto, Janja Filipi, Dirk C. de Graaf, Fani Hatjina, Pavlos Ioannidis, Nicoleta Ion, Asger Søgaard Jørgensen, Preben Kristiansen, Antoine Lecocq, Jean-François Odoux, Asli Özkirim, Magnus Peterson, Blaž Podrižnik, et al. Insects 12(11) 987 (2021)
Quantitative GIS Model for Evaluating the Favorability of Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) Culture for Suitable Varieties in Romania: Case Study Bihor County
Radu Brejea, Sanda Rosca, Florian Dumitru Taut, Ștefan Bilașco, Cristian Domuța and Ioana Maria Borza Applied Sciences 11(9) 4205 (2021)
Insect pollination and sustainable agriculture in Sub-Saharan Africa
Successful transfer of species‐rich grassland by means of green hay or threshing material: Does the method matter in the long term?
Silke Schaumberger, Albin Blaschka, Bernhard Krautzer, Wilhelm Graiss, Andreas Klingler, Erich M. Pötsch and Rob Marrs Applied Vegetation Science 24(3) (2021)
Proportion of commodity crop pollens and pesticide contamination in honey bee diets in two different landscapes
Results of Annual Monitoring of Honey Bee Colony Winter Losses in Ukraine: Winter 2019–2020
M. M. Fedoriak, L. I. Tymochko, O. O. Shkrobanets, A. V. Zhuk, O. F. Deli, S. S. Podobivskiy, V. G. Mikolaychuk, O. O. Kalynychenko, U. V. Leheta and O. D. Zarochentseva Visnyk of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University series "Ecology" (25) 111 (2021)
Evaluating the Impact of Post-Emergence Weed Control in Honeybee Colonies Located in Different Agricultural Surroundings
Honey bee colony performance affected by crop diversity and farmland structure: a modeling framework
Juliane Horn, Matthias A. Becher, Karin Johst, Peter J. Kennedy, Juliet L. Osborne, Viktoriia Radchuk and Volker Grimm Ecological Applications 31(1) (2021)
Polyphenols as Food Supplement Improved Food Consumption and Longevity of Honey Bees (Apis mellifera) Intoxicated by Pesticide Thiacloprid
Marian Hýbl, Petr Mráz, Jan Šipoš, Irena Hoštičková, Andrea Bohatá, Vladislav Čurn and Tomáš Kopec Insects 12(7) 572 (2021)
Influence of neonicotinoids on pollinators: A review
Effectiveness of floral enhancement in reducing honeybee exposure to insecticides
Satoru Okubo, Atsushi Shoji, Kiyoshi Kimura, Nobuo Morimoto and Mikio Yoshiyama Applied Entomology and Zoology 56(2) 207 (2021)
Honey Bee Nutrition
Jennifer M. Tsuruda, Priyadarshini Chakrabarti and Ramesh R. Sagili Veterinary Clinics of North America: Food Animal Practice 37(3) 505 (2021)