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Cited article:

An example of the role of exotic flora in the geographical characterisation of honey: Schinus molle L. in the Canary Islands (Spain)

Irene E. La Serna Ramos and Carmen Gómez Ferreras
Grana 50 (2) 136 (2011)

Study of variation in the pollen spectra of honeys sampled from the Allariz—Maceda (Ourense) geopolitical country in northwest Spain

Ma. Pilar de Sá-Otero and Sandra Armesto-Baztan
Acta Botanica Gallica 155 (2) 201 (2008)

A study of variation in the pollen spectra of honeys sampled from the Baixa Limia‐Serra do Xurés Nature Reserve in north‐west Spain

M. Pilar de Sá‐Otero, Sandra Armesto‐Baztan and Emilia DÍaz‐Losada
Grana 45 (2) 137 (2006)

Pollen and sensorial characterization of different honeys from El Hierro (Canary Islands)

Irene E. La‐Serna Ramos and Carmen GÓmez Ferreras
Grana 45 (2) 146 (2006)

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Pollen spectra of different unifloral honeys from La Palma (Canary Islands, Spain)

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Grana 41 (1) 48 (2002)

Efficacité de l'analyse mélitopalynologique quantitative pour la certification des origines géographique et botanique des miels: le modèle des miels corses

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Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 75 (1-2) 77 (1992)