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Cited article:

Bioassay of the chalkbrood fungus Ascosphaera aggregata on larvae of the alfalfa leafcutting bee, Megachile rotundata

John D. Vandenberg
Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 60 (2) 159 (1992)

Chalkbrood (Ascosphaera aggregata Skou.) resistance of a univoltine strain of the alfalfa leafcutting bee, Megachile rotundata F.

G. H. Rank, F. P. Rank and R. Watts
Journal of Applied Entomology 109 (1-5) 524 (1990)

Ascosphaeriosis of the Parasitic Bee, Coelioxys Rufocaudata, by Ascosphaera Aggregata

M. Hermoso de Mendoza, J. Hermoso de Mendoza, F. Puerta, et al.
Journal of Apicultural Research 28 (2) 61 (1989)

Conditions of pH and Oxidation-Reduction Potential in Larvae of Megachile Rotundata (Fabricius)

John D. Vandenberg and W. P. Stephen
Journal of Apicultural Research 23 (3) 177 (1984)