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A study of whether the genetic variation decreased or not in the protected Caucasian bee, Apis mellifera caucasica Pollmann, 1889 (Hymenoptera: Apidae) population in isolated regions
Berkant İsmail YILDIZ, Emel TÜTEN, Sinan AYDIN, Yaprak KARADUMAN ASLAN, Ramazan ÇETİN, Erdem SUR and Kemal KARABAĞ Turkish Journal of Entomology 47(3) 271 (2023)
Determination of Anatolian Honeybee Biodiversity by Wing Characters
Evaluation of the efficacy of mitochondrial ATP 6 and 8, Cyt b and 16S rDNA genes for differentiation of Iranian honeybees (Apis mellifera meda) from commercial subspecies of Apis mellifera L. and comparison with geometric morphometric method
Genetic characteristics of the Iranian honey bee, Apis mellifera meda, based on mitochondrial genes of ND4, ND4L and ND6 and their internal transcribed spacers
A revision of subspecies structure of western honey bee Apis mellifera
Rustem A. Ilyasov, Myeong-lyeol Lee, Jun-ichi Takahashi, Hyung Wook Kwon and Alexey G. Nikolenko Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences 27(12) 3615 (2020)
Current genetic status of honey bees in Anatolia in terms of thirty polymorphic microsatellite markers
Field Populations of Wild Apis cerana Honey Bees Exhibit Increased Genetic Diversity Under Pesticide Stress Along an Agricultural Intensification Gradient in Eastern India