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Flower morphology and nectar quality traits in faba bean affect attraction to bees
Myrto Barda, Filitsa Karamaouna, Konstantinos M. Kasiotis, Eirini Baira, Georgios K. Papadopoulos, Penelope J. Bebeli and Dionysios Perdikis Journal of Applied Entomology 148(1) 57 (2024)
Bumblebee responses to variation in pollinator‐attracting traits of Vicia faba flowers
Emily J. Bailes, Jake Moscrop, Sarah Mitchell, Matthew Dorling, Tom Wood, Jane Thomas and Beverley J. Glover Ecology and Evolution 13(11) (2023)
Elevated ozone and carbon dioxide affects the composition of volatile organic compounds emitted by Vicia faba (L.) and visitation by European orchard bee (Osmia cornuta)
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Interactive effects of ozone and carbon dioxide on plant-pollinator interactions and yields in a legume crop
Anthropogenic Climate Change and Allergic Diseases
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Litter inputs and plant interactions affect nectar sugar content
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The role of crop-pollinator relationships in breeding for pollinator-friendly legumes: from a breeding perspective
Integration of alien plants into a native flower–pollinator visitation web
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Elevated CO2 affects the interactions between aphid pests and host plant flowering