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Climatic fluctuations alter the preference of stingless bees (Apidae, Meliponini) towards food contaminated with acephate and glyphosate
Lívia Maria Negrini Ferreira, Michael Hrncir, Danilo Vieira de Almeida, Rodrigo Cupertino Bernardes and Maria Augusta Pereira Lima Science of The Total Environment 952 175892 (2024)
Floral visiting bees of Humiria balsamifera var. floribunda (Humiriaceae) and its pollen transport network, in a restinga environment
Rafael Sousa Pinto, Albeane Guimarães Silva and Patrícia Maia Correia de Albuquerque Studies on Neotropical Fauna and Environment 57(3) 206 (2022)
Methods Employed in the Determining Nectar and Pollen Sources for Bees: A Review of the Global Scenario
Ujjwal Layek, Nandita Das, Arijit Kundu, Prakash Karmakar and Gadi V P Reddy Annals of the Entomological Society of America 115(6) 417 (2022)
The pattern of HSP70 gene expression, flight activity and temperature in Apis mellifera meda colonies
Pesticide Exposure Assessment Paradigm for Stingless Bees
Karina O Cham, Roberta C F Nocelli, Leandro O Borges, et al. Environmental Entomology 48(1) 36 (2019)
Pot-Pollen in Stingless Bee Melittology
Camila Maia-Silva, Amanda Aparecida Castro Limão, Michael Hrncir, Jaciara da Silva Pereira and Vera Lucia Imperatriz-Fonseca Pot-Pollen in Stingless Bee Melittology 89 (2018)
Foraging traits modulate stingless bee community disassembly under forest loss
Generalist social bees maximize diversity intake in plant species‐rich and resource‐abundant environments
Benjamin F. Kaluza, Helen Wallace, Alexander Keller, Tim A. Heard, Bradley Jeffers, Nora Drescher, Nico Blüthgen and Sara D. Leonhardt Ecosphere 8(3) (2017)
Comparative pollen spectra of Tetragonisca angustula (Apidae, Meliponini) from the Lower Amazon (N Brazil) and caatinga (NE Brazil)