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Are increasing honey bee colony losses attributed to
Varroa destructor
in New Zealand driven by miticide resistance?
Rose A. McGruddy, Mariana Bulgarella, Antoine Felden, James W. Baty, John Haywood, Philip Stahlmann-Brown and Philip J. Lester Journal of Apicultural Research 63(4) 648 (2024)
Assessment of the efficacy of field and laboratory methods for the detection of Tropilaelaps spp.
Maggie C. Gill, Bajaree Chuttong, Paul Davies, Dan Etheridge, Lakkhika Panyaraksa, Victoria Tomkies, George Tonge, Giles E. Budge and Olav Rueppell PLOS ONE 19(9) e0301880 (2024)
Amitraz Resistance in French Varroa Mite Populations—More Complex Than a Single-Nucleotide Polymorphism
Ulrike Marsky, Bénédicte Rognon, Alexandre Douablin, Alain Viry, Miguel Angel Rodríguez Ramos and Abderrahim Hammaidi Insects 15(6) 390 (2024)
Maggie C. Gill, Bajaree Chuttong, Paul Davies, Dan Etheridge, Lakkhika Panyaraksa, Victoria Tomkies, George Tonge and Giles E. Budge (2024)
Comparing the efficacy of synthetic Varroacides and Varroa destructor phenotypic resistance using Apiarium and Mason jar bioassay techniques
Rassol Bahreini, Cassandra Docherty, David Feindel and Samantha Muirhead Pest Management Science 80(3) 1577 (2024)
Bacterial Strains Isolated from Stingless Bee Workers Inhibit the Growth of Apis mellifera Pathogens
Marcos Raúl Tejerina, María José Cabana, Pablo Adrián Enríquez, Marcelo Rafael Benítez-Ahrendts and María Isabel Fonseca Current Microbiology 81(4) (2024)
Varroa destructor
infestation in honey bees in Ankara region, and antioxidant properties of produced honey
Inducing a summer brood break increases the efficacy of oxalic acid vaporization for Varroa destructor (Mesostigmata: Varroidae) control in Apis mellifera (Hymenoptera: Apidae) colonies
Jennifer A Berry, S Kris Braman, Keith S Delaplane, Lewis J Bartlett and Michael Simone-Finstrom Journal of Insect Science 23(6) (2023)
Establishment and application of bioassay- and molecular marker-based methods for monitoring fluvalinate resistance of Varroa mites
Joonhee Lee, KyungHwan Moon, SuSie Cho, Youngcheon Lim, Sanghyeon Kim, Su-bae Kim, Sang-Mi Han, Young Ho Kim and Si Hyeock Lee Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology 197 105655 (2023)
All together now: Geographically coordinated miticide treatment benefits honey bee health
Varroa destructor en Latinoamérica: una introducción a la biología, ecología y control en la región
Giselle Fuentes, Azucena Iglesias, Giulia Mitton, Facundo Ramos, Constanza Brasesco and Matias Maggi EUNK Revista Científica de Abejas y Apicultores 1(2) 12 (2023)
Rose A. McGruddy, Mariana Bulgarella, Antoine Felden, James W. Baty, John Haywood, Philip Stahlmann-Brown and Philip J. Lester (2023)
The adverse effects of synthetic acaricide tau-fluvalinate (tech.) on winter adult honey bees
Lucia Sabová, Ivana Cingeľová Maruščáková, Simona Koleničová, Dagmar Mudroňová, Beata Holečková, Rastislav Sabo, Anna Sobeková, Tomáš Majchrák and Marek Ratvaj Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology 92 103861 (2022)
The Virome of Healthy Honey Bee Colonies: Ubiquitous Occurrence of Known and New Viruses in Bee Populations
Dominika Kadlečková, Ruth Tachezy, Tomáš Erban, Ward Deboutte, Jaroslav Nunvář, Martina Saláková, Jelle Matthijnssens and Seth Bordenstein mSystems 7(3) (2022)
More than sixty years living with Varroa destructor: a review of acaricide resistance
Giulia A. Mitton, Facundo Meroi Arcerito, Hazel Cooley, Gregorio Fernández de Landa, Martín J. Eguaras, Sergio R. Ruffinengo and Matías D. Maggi International Journal of Pest Management 1 (2022)
Assessing Repeated Oxalic Acid Vaporization in Honey Bee (Hymenoptera: Apidae) Colonies for Control of the Ectoparasitic Mite Varroa destructor
Jennifer A Berry, Lewis J Bartlett, Selina Bruckner, Christian Baker, S Kris Braman, Keith S Delaplane, Geoffrey R Williams and Hongmei Li-Byarlay Journal of Insect Science 22(1) (2022)
L925V mutation in voltage-gated sodium channel of Varroa destructor populations from Argentina and Uruguay, with different degree of susceptibility to pyrethroids
Giulia A. Mitton, Silvina Quintana, Yamandú Mendoza, Martín Eguaras, Matías D. Maggi and Sergio R. Ruffinengo International Journal of Acarology 47(5) 374 (2021)
Molecular analysis of voltage-gated sodium channels to assess τ-fluvalinate resistance in Japanese populations of Varroa destructor (Acari: Varroidae)
Mari H. Ogihara, Eiji Kobayashi, Nobuo Morimoto, Mikio Yoshiyama and Kiyoshi Kimura Applied Entomology and Zoology 56(2) 277 (2021)
Mutations associated with pyrethroid resistance in the honey bee parasite Varroa destructor evolved as a series of parallel and sequential events
Anabel Millán-Leiva, Óscar Marín, Pilar De la Rúa, Irene Muñoz, Anastasia Tsagkarakou, Heather Eversol, Krisztina Christmon, Dennis vanEngelsdorp and Joel González-Cabrera Journal of Pest Science 94(4) 1505 (2021)
Integrated Pest Management Control of Varroa destructor (Acari: Varroidae), the Most Damaging Pest of (Apis mellifera L. (Hymenoptera: Apidae)) Colonies
Lactobacillus salivarius A3iob Reduces the Incidence of Varroa destructor and Nosema Spp. in Commercial Apiaries Located in the Northwest of Argentina
Marcos Raúl Tejerina, Marcelo Rafael Benítez-Ahrendts and Marcela Carina Audisio Probiotics and Antimicrobial Proteins 12(4) 1360 (2020)
Voltage-gated chloride channel blocker DIDS as an acaricide for Varroa mites
Philene D. Vu, Leslie C. Rault, Lacey J. Jenson, Jeffrey R. Bloomquist and Troy D. Anderson Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology 167 104603 (2020)
The toxic unit approach as a risk indicator in honey bees surveillance programmes: A case of study in Apis mellifera iberiensis
Elena Alonso-Prados, Irene Muñoz, Pilar De la Rúa, José Serrano, Amadeo R. Fernández-Alba, Ana Isabel García-Valcárcel, María Dolores Hernando, Ángeles Alonso, José L. Alonso-Prados, Carolina Bartolomé, Xulio Maside, Laura Barrios, Raquel Martín-Hernández and Mariano Higes Science of The Total Environment 698 134208 (2020)
Summer brood interruption as integrated management strategy for effective Varroa control in Europe
Toxicity of Selected Acaricides to Honey Bees (Apis mellifera) and Varroa (Varroa destructor Anderson and Trueman) and Their Use in Controlling Varroa within Honey Bee Colonies
Effects of Bacillus thuringiensis strains virulent to Varroa destructor on larvae and adults of Apis mellifera
Eva Vianey Alquisira-Ramírez, Guadalupe Peña-Chora, Víctor Manuel Hernández-Velázquez, et al. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 142 69 (2017)
Proteomic analysis of Bayvarol® resistance mechanisms in the honey bee parasite Varroa destructor
Phosphorus 30 CH to control Varroa population in Apis mellifera colonies
Francesca Moscatelli, Marco Pietropaoli, Giuseppina Brocherel, Andrea Martini and Giovanni Formato European Journal of Integrative Medicine 8(5) 861 (2016)
In vitro susceptibility of Varroa destructor and Apis mellifera to native strains of Bacillus thuringiensis
Eva Vianey Alquisira-Ramírez, José Roberto Paredes-Gonzalez, Víctor Manuel Hernández-Velázquez, José Augusto Ramírez-Trujillo and Guadalupe Peña-Chora Apidologie (2014)
Predictive 3D modelling of the interactions of pyrethroids with the voltage‐gated sodium channels of ticks and mites
Andrias O O'Reilly, Martin S Williamson, Joel González‐Cabrera, Andreas Turberg, Linda M Field, B A Wallace and T G Emyr Davies Pest Management Science 70(3) 369 (2014)
An atypical residue in the pore of Varroa destructor GABA-activated RDL receptors affects picrotoxin block and thymol modulation
Repellency of the oily extract of neem seeds (Azadirachta indica) against Varroa destructor (Acari: Varroidae)
Rebeca González-Gómez, Gabriel Otero-Colina, Juan A. Villanueva-Jiménez, Cecilia Beatriz Peña-Valdivia and José Antonio Santizo-Rincón Experimental and Applied Acarology 56(3) 261 (2012)
Entomopathogenic fungi as potential biocontrol agents of the ecto-parasitic mite, Varroa destructor, and their effect on the immune response of honey bees (Apis mellifera L.)
Mollah Md. Hamiduzzaman, Alice Sinia, Ernesto Guzman-Novoa and Paul H. Goodwin Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 111(3) 237 (2012)
Asynchronous Development of Honey Bee Host and Varroa destructor (Mesostigmata: Varroidae) Influences Reproductive Potential of Mites
Maria J. Kirrane, Lilia I. De Guzman, Thomas E. Rinderer, et al. Journal of Economic Entomology 104(4) 1146 (2011)
Susceptibility of Varroa destructor (Gamasida: Varroidae) to four pesticides used in three Mexican apicultural regions under two different management systems
Sóstenes R. Rodríguez-Dehaibes, Gabriel Otero-Colina, Juan A. Villanueva-Jiménez and Pablo Corcuera International Journal of Acarology 37(5) 441 (2011)
Varroa destructoris the main culprit for the death and reduced populations of overwintered honey bee (Apis mellifera) colonies in Ontario, Canada
Impact of the Use of Fluvalinate on Different Types of Beeswax from Spanish Hives
Sabine Adamczyk, Regina Lázaro, Consuelo Pérez-Arquillué, Susana Bayarri and Antonio Herrera Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 58(3) 733 (2010)
Susceptibility of Varroa destructor (Acari: Varroidae) to synthetic acaricides in Uruguay: Varroa mites? potential to develop acaricide resistance
The incidence of honey bee pests and diseases in England and Wales
Selwyn Wilkins, Mike A Brown and Andrew GS Cuthbertson Pest Management Science 63(11) 1062 (2007)
Evaluation of Residues of Essential Oil Components in Honey after Different Anti-Varroa Treatments
Sabine Adamczyk, Regina Lázaro, Consuelo Pérez-Arquillué, Pilar Conchello and Antonio Herrera Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 53(26) 10085 (2005)
The resistance of varroa mites (Acari: Varroidae) to acaricides and the presence of esterase