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Toxicogenomic differentiation of functional responses to fipronil and imidacloprid in Daphnia magna
Julia Pfaff, Hannes Reinwald, Steve U. Ayobahan, Julia Alvincz, Bernd Göckener, Orr Shomroni, Gabriela Salinas, Rolf-Alexander Düring, Christoph Schäfers and Sebastian Eilebrecht Aquatic Toxicology 238 105927 (2021)
2D-DIGE proteomic analysis reveals changes in haemolymph proteome of 1-day-old honey bee (Apis mellifera) workers in response to infection with Varroa destructor mites
RNA-Seq reveals that mitochondrial genes and long non-coding RNAs may play important roles in the bivoltine generations of the non-social Neotropical bee Tetrapedia diversipes
The ovary and its genes—developmental processes underlying the establishment and function of a highly divergent reproductive system in the female castes of the honey bee, Apis mellifera
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Toward an Understanding of Divergent Compound Eye Development in Drones and Workers of the Honeybee (Apis mellifera L.): A Correlative Analysis of Morphology and Gene Expression
David S. Marco Antonio and Klaus Hartfelder Journal of Experimental Zoology Part B: Molecular and Developmental Evolution 328(1-2) 139 (2017)
Transcriptome comparison between honey bee queen- and worker-destined larvae
Polyphenism in social insects: insights from a transcriptome-wide analysis of gene expression in the life stages of the key pollinator, Bombus terrestris
Representational Difference Analysis (RDA) reveals differential expression of conserved as well as novel genes during caste-specific development of the honey bee (Apis mellifera L.) ovary
Caste development and reproduction: a genome‐wide analysis of hallmarks of insect eusociality
A. S. Cristino, F. M. F. Nunes, C. H. Lobo, M. M. G. Bitondi, Z. L. P. Simões, L. Da Fontoura Costa, H. M. G. Lattorff, R. F. A. Moritz, J. D. Evans and K. Hartfelder Insect Molecular Biology 15(5) 703 (2006)
Gene expression profiles underlying alternative caste phenotypes in a highly eusocial bee, Melipona quadrifasciata
Differential gene expression in queen–worker caste determination in bumble-bees
Jeffrey J. M Pereboom, William C Jordan, Seirian Sumner, Robert L Hammond and Andrew F. G Bourke Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 272(1568) 1145 (2005)
Molecular characterization of a cDNA encoding prophenoloxidase and its expression in Apis mellifera
Anete Pedro Lourenço, Maria Salete Zufelato, Márcia Maria Gentile Bitondi and Zilá Luz Paulino Simões Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 35(6) 541 (2005)