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Evaluation of Reference Genes for Quantitative Real‐Time PCR in Honey Bee, Apis mellifera, Under Various Miticide Exposure Conditions

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Effects of Bacillus thuringiensis strains virulent to Varroa destructor on larvae and adults of Apis mellifera

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Effect of oxalic acid on the mite Varroa destructor and its host the honey bee Apis mellifera

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Integrated varroa control in honey bee (Apis mellifera carnica) colonies with or without brood

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Programmed Cell Death in the Honey Bee ( Apis mellifera ) (Hymenoptera: Apidae) Worker Brain Induced by Imidacloprid

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In vitro susceptibility of Varroa destructor and Apis mellifera to native strains of Bacillus thuringiensis

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Cellular responses in the Malpighian tubules of Scaptotrigona postica (Latreille, 1807) exposed to low doses of fipronil and boric acid

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Effects of sublethal doses of imidacloprid in malpighian tubules of africanized Apis mellifera (Hymenoptera, Apidae)

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Gene expression in honey bee (Apis mellifera) larvae exposed to pesticides and Varroa mites (Varroa destructor)

Aleš Gregorc, Jay D. Evans, Mike Scharf and James D. Ellis
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Stimulating effect of sugar dusting on honey bee grooming behaviour

Jevrosima Stevanovic, Zoran Stanimirovic, Nada Lakic, Ninoslav Djelic and Ivica Radovic
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The influence of formic acid on the body surface proteolytic system at different developmental stages in Apis mellifera L. workers

Aneta Joanna Strachecka, Jerzy Paleolog, Grzegorz Borsuk and Krzysztof Olszewski
Journal of Apicultural Research 51 (3) 252 (2012)

Cell death localization in situ in laboratory reared honey bee (Apis mellifera L.) larvae treated with pesticides

Ales Gregorc and James D. Ellis
Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology 99 (2) 200 (2011)

The influence of pulverised sugar dusting on the degree of infestation of honey bee colonies with Varroa destructor

Z. Stanimirovic, Nevenka Aleksic, Jevrosima Stevanovic, et al.
Acta veterinaria 61 (2-3) 309 (2011)

Organic acids and thymol: unsuitable for alternative control of Aethina tumida (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae)?

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Heritability of grooming behaviour in grey honey bees (Apis mellifera Carnica)

Z. Stanimirovic, Jevrosima Stevanovic, Nevenka Aleksic and V. Stojic
Acta veterinaria 60 (2-3) 313 (2010)

Heat shock proteins and cell death in situ localisation in hypopharyngeal glands of honeybee (Apis mellifera carnica) workers after imidacloprid or coumaphos treatment

Maja Ivana Smodiš Škerl and Aleš Gregorc
Apidologie 41 (1) 73 (2010)

Exposure to Pesticides at Sublethal Level and Their Distribution Within a Honey Bee (Apis mellifera) Colony

Maja Ivana Smodiš Škerl, Veronika Kmecl and Aleš Gregorc
Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 85 (2) 125 (2010)

The effect of different concentrations of oxalic acid in aqueous and sucrose solution onVarroamites and honey bees

Kalle Toomemaa, Ants-Johannes Martin and Ingrid H. Williams
Apidologie 41 (6) 643 (2010)

Residues of Pesticides in Honeybee (Apis mellifera carnica) Bee Bread and in Pollen Loads from Treated Apple Orchards

Maja Ivana Smodiš Škerl, Špela Velikonja Bolta, Helena Baša Česnik and Aleš Gregorc
Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 83 (3) 374 (2009)

Heritability of hygienic behavior in grey honey bees (Apis mellifera carnica)

Stanimirovic Zoran, Stevanovic Jevrosima, Mirilovic M. and Stojic V.
Acta veterinaria 58 (5-6) 593 (2008)

Toxicological and immunohistochemical testing of honeybees after oxalic acid and rotenone treatments

Aleš Gregorc and Maja Ivana Smodiš Škerl
Apidologie 38 (3) 296 (2007)

In situ localization of heat-shock proteins and cell death labelling in the salivary gland of acaricide-treated honeybee larvae

Elaine C.M. Silva-Zacarin, Ales Gregorc and Regina L.M. Silva de Moraes
Apidologie 37 (5) 507 (2006)