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Effect of Flowering Period on Drone Reproductive Parameters (Apis mellifera L.)
Carlos Castellanos-Zacarías, Álvaro Domínguez-Rebolledo, Henry Loeza-Concha, Jorge Vivas-Rodríguez, Julio Ramón-Ugalde, Juan Baeza-Rodríguez and Roberto Zamora-Bustillos Insects 15(9) 676 (2024)
Sperm characteristics of Africanized honey bee (
Apis mellifera
L.) drones during dry and wet seasons in the Caatinga biome
Effects of simulated tropical heat waves during development on the morphological and reproductive traits of Africanized honey bee
R. G. Medina, R. J. Paxton, M. Arjona-Torres, J. R. Aké-Villanueva, L. A. Medina-Medina and J. J. G. Quezada-Euán Insectes Sociaux 70(3) 327 (2023)
A new fluorescent method to determine honey bee sperm motility parameters with computer-aided sperm analysis
Janice Faith Murray, Gerhard van der Horst, Mike Allsopp and Retha Christina Magrietha Kotzé Journal of Apicultural Research 62(4) 944 (2023)
Effects of Simulated Tropical Heatwaves During Development on Morphological and Reproductive Traits of Africanized Honey Bee (Apis Mellifera L.) Drones and Queens
Rubén Hernéndez Medina, Robert J. Paxton, Madeleine Arjona-Torres, J. Ricardo Aké-Villanueva, Luis A. Medina-Medina and José Javier G. Quezada-Euán SSRN Electronic Journal (2022)
The Influence of Body Weight on Semen Parameters in Apis mellifera Drones
Varroa destructor Parasitism and Genetic Variability at Honey Bee (Apis mellifera) Drone Congregation Areas and Their Associations With Environmental Variables in Argentina
A review of methods used in some European countries for assessing the quality of honey bee queens through their physical characters and the performance of their colonies
Colony pollen reserves affect body size, sperm production and sexual development in males of the stingless bee Melipona beecheii
F. G. Pech-May, L. Medina-Medina, W. J. May-Itzá, R. J. Paxton and J. J. G. Quezada-Euán Insectes Sociaux 59(3) 417 (2012)
Effects of age, season and genetics on semen and sperm production in Apis mellifera drones