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Evaluating and Comparing the Natural Cell Structure and Dimensions of Honey Bee Comb Cells of Chinese Bee, Apis cerana cerana (Hymenoptera: Apidae) and Italian Bee, Apis mellifera ligustica (Hymenoptera: Apidae)
Shunhua Yang, Shangkao Deng, Haiou Kuang, Danyin Zhou, Xueyang Gong, Kun Dong and Sandra Rehan Journal of Insect Science 21(4) (2021)
Cytocompatibility of Polymethyl Methacrylate Honeycomb-like Pattern on Perfluorinated Polymer
Klaudia Hurtuková, Veronika Juřicová, Klára Fajstavrová, Dominik Fajstavr, Nikola Slepičková Kasálková, Silvie Rimpelová, Václav Švorčík and Petr Slepička Polymers 13(21) 3663 (2021)
Bioinspired Honeycomb Core Design: An Experimental Study of the Role of Corner Radius, Coping and Interface