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Pollinator functional group abundance and floral heterogeneity in an agroecological context affect mating patterns in a self‐incompatible wild plant
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How seasonality, semi-natural habitat cover and compositional landscape heterogeneity affect pollen collection and development of Apis mellifera colonies in Mediterranean agro-sylvo-pastoral systems
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Palynomorphological diversity among the Asteraceous honeybee flora: An aid to the correct taxonomic identification using multiple microscopic techniques
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Pollen morphology of selected melliferous plants and its taxonomic implications using microscopy
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Mitochondrial DNA Suggests the Introduction of Honeybees of African Ancestry to East-Central Europe
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Assessment of lethal and sublethal effects of imidacloprid, ethion, and glyphosate on aversive conditioning, motility, and lifespan in honey bees (Apis mellifera L.)
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First report of modern pollen deposition in moss polsters in a semiarid area of Bahia, Brazil
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Increased efficiency in identifying mixed pollen samples by meta-barcoding with a dual-indexing approach
Correlated and direct responses to selection for high and low pollen yield in a small, open population of Apis mellifera carnica
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Honeybees are useful as pollinators of the dioecious cloudberry, a high-value northern berry
Application of Principal Component Analysis for evaluation of chemical and antimicrobial properties of honey bee (Apis mellifera) venom
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