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Analysis of beeswax adulteration with paraffin using GC/MS, FTIR-ATR and Raman spectroscopy
Alexandra Špaldoňová, Martina Havelcová, Ladislav Lapčák, Vladimír Machovič and Dalibor Titěra Journal of Apicultural Research 60(1) 73 (2021)
Standard methods for Apis mellifera beeswax research
Composite projectiles and hafting technologies at Ohalo II (23 ka, Israel): analyses of impact fractures, morphometric characteristics and adhesive remains on microlithic tools
A novel, direct, reagent-free method for the detection of beeswax adulteration by single-reflection attenuated total reflectance mid-infrared spectroscopy
Application of Principal Component Analysis for evaluation of chemical and antimicrobial properties of honey bee (Apis mellifera) venom
Zenon J. Kokot, Jan Matysiak, Jolanta Kłs, Bogdan Kędzia and Elżbieta Hołderna-Kędzia Journal of Apicultural Research 48(3) 168 (2009)
The contents of unusual cone-shaped vessels (cornets) from the Chalcolithic of the southern Levant