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Variation in the pollen diet of managed bee species across European agroecosystems

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Assessment and conservation status of an endemic bee in a diversity hotspot (Hymenoptera, Melittidae, Dasypoda)

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Ultraconserved element phylogenomics and biogeography of the agriculturally important mason bee subgenus Osmia (Osmia)

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(More than) Hitchhikers through the network: the shared microbiome of bees and flowers

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Comparative ecology of two specialist bees: Dasypoda visnaga Rossi, 1790 and Dasypoda maura Pérez, 1895 (Hymenoptera, Melittidae)

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Pollen specialists are more endangered than non-specialised bees even though they collect pollen on flowers of non-endangered plants

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Sterol addition during pollen collection by bees: another possible strategy to balance nutrient deficiencies?

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Proteome analysis reveals a strong correlation between olfaction and pollen foraging preference in honeybees

Yuan Guo, Baochun Fu, Guojie Qin, Huailei Song, Wenqing Wu, Youquan Shao, Solomon Zewdu Altaye and Linsheng Yu
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Should I stay or should I go? Pollinator shifts rather than cospeciation dominate the evolutionary history of South African Rediviva bees and their Diascia host plants

Belinda Kahnt, Wesley N. Hattingh, Panagiotis Theodorou, Nicolas Wieseke, Michael Kuhlmann, Kelsey L. Glennon, Timotheüs van der Niet, Robert Paxton and Glynis V. Cron
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Multiple origins of sexual dichromatism and aposematism within large carpenter bees

Bonnie B. Blaimer, Jonathan R. Mawdsley and Seán G. Brady
Evolution 72 (9) 1874 (2018)

Pollen host selection by predominantly alpine bee species of the genera Andrena, Panurginus, Dufourea, Megachile, Hoplitis and Osmia (Hymenoptera, Apoidea)

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Alpine Entomology 2 101 (2018)

Pollinivory and the diversification dynamics of bees

Elizabeth A. Murray, Silas Bossert and Bryan N. Danforth
Biology Letters 14 (11) 20180530 (2018)

Convergent evolution of pollen transport mode in two distantly related bee genera (Hymenoptera: Andrenidae and Melittidae)

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Apidologie 48 (4) 461 (2017)

The importance of pollen chemistry in evolutionary host shifts of bees

Maryse Vanderplanck, Nicolas J. Vereecken, Laurent Grumiau, Fabiana Esposito, Georges Lognay, Ruddy Wattiez and Denis Michez
Scientific Reports 7 (1) (2017)

First record of the bee genus Melitta from the Arabian Peninsula (Hymenoptera: Apoidea: Melittidae)

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Zoology in the Middle East 62 (4) 352 (2016)

Decoupled post‐glacial history in mutualistic plant–insect interactions: insights from the yellow loosestrife (Lysimachia vulgaris) and its associated oil‐collecting bees (Macropis europaea and M. fulvipes)

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Impact of past climatic changes and resource availability on the population demography of three food‐specialist bees

Simon Dellicour, Denis Michez, Jean‐Yves Rasplus and Patrick Mardulyn
Molecular Ecology 24 (5) 1074 (2015)

Nest architecture and use of floral oil in the oil-collecting South African solitary bee Rediviva intermixta (Cockerell) (Hymenoptera: Apoidea: Melittidae)

Michael Kuhlmann
Journal of Natural History 48 (43-44) 2633 (2014)

Molecular phylogeny, biogeography, and host plant shifts in the bee genus Melitta (Hymenoptera: Anthophila)

Simon Dellicour, Thomas Lecocq, Michael Kuhlmann, Patrick Mardulyn and Denis Michez
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 70 412 (2014)

Phylogeny and floral hosts of a predominantly pollen generalist group of mason bees (Megachilidae: Osmiini)

Mare Haider, Silvia Dorn, Claudio Sedivy and Andreas Müller
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 111 (1) 78 (2014)

The Impact of Molecular Data on Our Understanding of Bee Phylogeny and Evolution

Bryan N. Danforth, Sophie Cardinal, Christophe Praz, Eduardo A.B. Almeida and Denis Michez
Annual Review of Entomology 58 (1) 57 (2013)

Host range evolution in a selected group of osmiine bees (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae): the Boraginaceae-Fabaceae paradox

Claudio Sedivy, Silvia Dorn, Alex Widmer and Andreas Müller
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 108 (1) 35 (2013)

Intra‐ and interpopulational variation in the ability of a solitary bee species to develop on non‐host pollen: implications for host range expansion

Mare Haider, Silvia Dorn, Andreas Müller and Gaku Kudo
Functional Ecology 27 (1) 255 (2013)

Flexible Host Choice and Common Host Switches in the Evolution of Generalist and Specialist Cuckoo Bees (Anthophila: Sphecodes)

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PLoS ONE 8 (5) e64537 (2013)

Pre-adaptations and the evolution of pollination by sexual deception: Cope's rule of specialization revisited

Nicolas J. Vereecken, Carol A. Wilson, Susann Hötling, et al.
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Oligolectisme de Bombus brodmannicus delmasi Tkalců, 1973 (Hymenoptera, Apidae) : observations et analyses

Simon Dellicour, Roland De Jonghe, Dorothée Roelants and Denis Michez
Osmia 5 8 (2012)

Nest Architecture of the Monolectic South African Solitary Bee, Samba (Prosamba) Spinosa Eardley (Hymenoptera: Apoidea: Melittidae)

M. Kuhlmann and K. Timmermann
African Entomology 19 (1) 141 (2011)

The evolution and loss of oil-offering flowers: new insights from dated phylogenies for angiosperms and bees

S. S. Renner and H. Schaefer
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 365 (1539) 423 (2010)

Biologie, observations et collectes de trois espèces sœurs du genre Melitta Kirby, 1802 (Hymenoptera, Melittidae)

Simon Dellicour and Denis Michez
Osmia 4 29 (2010)

The chemical ecology and evolution of bee–flower interactions: a review and perspectivesThe present review is one in the special series of reviews on animal–plant interactions.

S. Dötterl and N. J. Vereecken
Canadian Journal of Zoology 88 (7) 668 (2010)

Pollen amino acids and flower specialisation in solitary bees

Christiane Natalie Weiner, Andrea Hilpert, Michael Werner, Karl Eduard Linsenmair and Nico Blüthgen
Apidologie 41 (4) 476 (2010)

Phylogeny of the bee family Melittidae (Hymenoptera: Anthophila) based on combined molecular and morphological data

Systematic Entomology 34 (3) 574 (2009)

Factors limiting the species richness of bees in Saharan Africa

S. Patiny, D. Michez, M. Kuhlmann, A. Pauly and Y. Barbier
Bulletin of Entomological Research 99 (4) 337 (2009)


Claudio Sedivy, Christophe J. Praz, Andreas Müller, Alex Widmer and Silvia Dorn
Evolution 62 (10) 2487 (2008)

Dasypoda braccata Eversmann (Hymenoptera, Dasypodaidae), nouvelle espèce pour l’apidofaune italienne

Christophe Praz, Gilles Carron and Denis Michez
Osmia 2 16 (2008)

The evolution of a pollen diet: Host choice and diet breadth ofAndrenabees (Hymenoptera: Andrenidae)

Leah L. Larkin, John L. Neff and Beryl B. Simpson
Apidologie 39 (1) 133 (2008)