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Small Amazonian stingless bees: an opportunity for targeted cocoa pollination
Camila Maia-Silva, Michael Hrncir, Tereza Cristina Giannini, Manuel Toledo-Hernández and Vera L. Imperatriz-Fonseca Frontiers in Bee Science 2 (2024)
Targeted crop pollination by training honey bees: advances and perspectives
Conditioning honeybees to a specific mimic odor increases foraging activity on a self-compatible almond variety
Walter M. Farina, Florencia Palottini, M. Cecilia Estravis-Barcala, Andrés Arenas, M. Sol Balbuena and Andrés González Apidologie 54(4) (2023)
In-hive learning of specific mimic odours as a tool to enhance honey bee foraging and pollination activities in pear and apple crops
Configural perception of a binary olfactory mixture in honey bees, as in humans, rodents and newborn rabbits
Marie-Anne Wycke, Gérard Coureaud, Thierry Thomas-Danguin and Jean-Christophe Sandoz Journal of Experimental Biology 223(21) jeb227611 (2020)
Learning of a Mimic Odor within Beehives Improves Pollination Service Efficiency in a Commercial Crop
Walter M. Farina, Andrés Arenas, Paula C. Díaz, Cinthia Susic Martin and M. Cecilia Estravis Barcala Current Biology 30(21) 4284 (2020)
Honey bee workers generate low-frequency vibrations that are reliable indicators of their activity level
Information transfer beyond the waggle dance: observational learning in bees and flies
Aurore Avarguès-Weber, Mathieu Lihoreau, Guillaume Isabel and Martin Giurfa Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 3 (2015)
Vibrating donor-partners during trophallaxis modulate associative learning ability of food receivers in the stingless bee Melipona quadrifasciata
The recruiter's excitement – features of thoracic vibrations during the honey bee's waggle dance related to food source profitability
Michael Hrncir, Camila Maia-Silva, Sofia I. Mc Cabe and Walter M. Farina Journal of Experimental Biology 214(23) 4055 (2011)
The chemical ecology and evolution of bee–flower interactions: a review and perspectivesThe present review is one in the special series of reviews on animal–plant interactions.