Free Access
Volume 21, Number 3, 1990
Page(s) 169 - 174
Apidologie 21 (1990) 169-174
DOI: 10.1051/apido:19900301

Observations on Apis cerana colonies surviving from Thai Sacbrood Virus infestation

L.R. Verma, B.S. Rana and S. Verma

HP University, Department of Bio-Sciences, Shimla 5, India

Abstract - Apis cerana colonies, surviving from Thai Sacbrood Virus disease, showed disease symptoms earlier, with more severity and with a greater reduction in prolificness in parent than in daughter, colonies. Parent colonies also took longer to recover from infection and showed abnormal behaviour compared to daughters colonies. No such symptoms were observed in control A cerana and A mellifera (virus fed) colonies.

Key words: Apis cerana / Thai Sacbrood Virus / virus disease / sacbrood