Free Access Distinctive hydrocarbons among giant honey bees, the Apis dorsata group (Hymenoptera: Apidae) p. 169 D.A. Carlson, D.W. Roubik and K. Milstrey DOI: AbstractPDF (645.4 KB)
Free Access The influence of a colony's queen state on the drifting of drone honey bees (Apis mellifera L) p. 183 R.W. Currie and S.C. Jay DOI: AbstractPDF (1.047 MB)
Free Access The effects of climate and bee race on Varroa jacobsoni Oud infestations in Brazil p. 197 G. Moretto, L.S. Gonçalves, D. De Jong and M.Z. Bichuette DOI: AbstractPDF (460.2 KB)
Free Access The volatile emission of honeybee queens (Apis mellifera L) p. 205 R.F.A. Moritz and R.M. Crewe DOI: AbstractPDF (460.9 KB)
Free Access Virus-like particles in the tracheal mite Acarapis woodi (Rennie) p. 213 T.P. Liu DOI: AbstractPDF (1.316 MB)
Free Access Correlation between the electrical conductivity of honey in humid and in dry matter p. 221 M.T. Sancho, S. Muniategui, J.F. Huidobro and J. Simal DOI: AbstractPDF (341.6 KB)
Free Access Inhibition of queen cell construction in the Cape honeybee, Apis mellifera capensis p. 229 L.A. Whiffler and H.R. Hepburn DOI: AbstractPDF (422.2 KB)
Free Access Response of Apis mellifera L colonies infested with Varroa jacobsoni Oud p. 237 O. Boecking and W. Drescher DOI: AbstractPDF (335.7 KB)