Free Access
Volume 23, Number 2, 1992
Page(s) 107 - 117
Apidologie 23 (1992) 107-117
DOI: 10.1051/apido:19920203

Diurnal flight activity of African bees Apis mellifera adansonii in different seasons and zones of Ghana

J. Woyke

FAO Representative, Accra and Technology Consultancy Center of the University, Kumasi, Ghana

Abstract - The number of Apis mellifera adansonii worker bees returning to the hive during 5 min was counted every 0.5-1.0 h throughout the day. The investigations were conducted during the dry and rainy season in 3 zones of Ghana. The pattern of flight activity in different zones did not differ much within each season. However, it differed greatly between seasons. In the rainy dearth season, a single peak of foraging activity occurred during the morning. Two peaks of foraging activity occurred during the honey flow, winter dry season; one shortly after sunrise and the other shortly before sunset. The presence of the second evening peak is explained by nectar availability.

Key words: Apis mellifera adansonli / flight activity / tropical climate / Africa