Free Access
Volume 32, Number 4, July-August 2001
Page(s) 371 - 379
DOI: 10.1051/apido:2001137

Apidologie 32 (2001) 371-379

The antifungal action of three South African honeys on Candida albicans

Frans Theunissena, Sias Groblera and Itzhak Gedaliab

a  Faculty of Dentistry, University of Stellenbosch, Private Bag X1, Tygerberg 7505, South Africa
b  Oral Biology, Faculty of Dentistry, The Hebrew University Hadassah School of Dental medicine, Jerusalem, Israel

(Received 3 April 2000; revised 4 October 2000; accepted 17 May 2001)

The purpose of this study was to investigate the antifungal action of three single samples of South African honey (wasbessie, bluegum and fynbos) against Candida albicans. Various dilutions of honey were prepared in brain-heart infusion broth, ranging in concentration from 0 to 25% (w/w). This was inoculated with C. albicans, while a hypertonic sugar solution served as a control. All dilutions were incubated overnight and the optical density was measured in a spectrophotometer. The sugar control and the 3 honey samples stimulated the growth of C. albicans and was optimal between 2.5% and 5% . Increased honey concentrations resulted in reduced growth of C. albicans; wasbessie honey at a concentration of 25% demonstrated 29.4% inhibition on the growth of C. albicans, while the control, bluegum and fynbos honey produced only partial inhibition.

Key words: honey / antifungal action / antimicrobial action / oral micro flora / Candida albicans

Correspondence and reprints: Frans Theunissen

© INRA, EDP Sciences, DIB, AGIB 2001