Free Access
Volume 36, Number 1, January-March 2005
Page(s) 31 - 42
Published online 31 January 2005
Apidologie 36 (2005) 31-42
DOI: 10.1051/apido:2004067

Chromosomal diversity in Apis mellifera carnica from Serbia

Zoran Stanimirovica, Jevrosima Stevanovica and Marko Andjelkovicb

a  Department of Biology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Belgrade, Boulevard JNA 18, 11000 Belgrade, Yugoslavia
b  Institute of Zoology, Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade, Studentski trg 16, 11000 Belgrade, Yugoslavia

(Received 21 May 2002; Revised 10 February 2004; Accepted 5 July 2004; Published online: 31 January 2005)

Abstract - Comparative chromosomal investigations of three honey bee ecotypes of A. m. carnica (the Banat, the Timok and the Syenichko-Peshterski ecotype) from Serbia were performed. G-band analyses revealed differences between Timok and Banat honey bee ecotypes in chromosomes 2, 4, 11 and 13. Between the Timok and Syenichko-Peshterski ecotypes, differences were observed for chromosomes 1, 12, 15 and 16. The greatest differences in G-band number and distribution were registered between the Syenichko-Peshterski and Banat ecotypes in chromosomes 1, 2, 4, 11, 12, 13, 15 and 16. The results point to great interecotype variability of G-band pattern of chromosomes of the carniolan honey bee in Serbia. To preserve such honey bee diversity in Serbia, the three investigated ecotypes require attention for conservation.

Key words: Apis mellifera carnica / polymorphism / G-band / chromosomes / diversity

Corresponding author: Jevrosima Stevanovic

© INRA, EDP Sciences, DIB, AGIB 2005