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Table III

Effect of different fall factors on winter mortality for 408 honey bee colonies found alive or dead the following spring in Ontario, Canada. P based on Chi square tests.

Factor Condition5 No. alive No. dead %Mort/Total6 P
Bee population1 Low 122 77 69.4 < 0.0001
High 175 34
Food reserves (kg) Low 140 75 67.6 < 0.001
High 157 36
Varroa mite Positive 214 95 85.6 < 0.01
infestation2 Negative 83 16
Tracheal mite Positive 13 12 10.8 0.0159
infestation3 Negative 284 99
Nosema disease4 Positive 76 38 34.2 0.0833
Negative 221 73

Number of frames covered by bees per hive;


number of mites per 100 bees;


number of parasitized bees in 100;


number of spores per bee;


colonies were classified as having low or high food reserves or bee populations if the values for these variables were below (for low) or above (for high) the means obtained from all colonies used in the study (low < 23.6 kg; high > 23.6 kg for food reserves; low ≤ 7 frames with bees; high ≥ 8 frames with bees for bee population; n = 408);


percent mortality calculated from the total number of colonies that died during the winter (n = 111).