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Table V

Main honey producing plants in four regions of Algeria. Number of honey samples in each region with primary and secondary pollen of nectariferous plants expressed as percentage of the studied samples in the specific region.

Nectariferous plant West Centre East South
species % % % %
Eucalyptus spp. 35 41 50
Pimpinella anisum 25 23
Hedysarum coronarium 15 18 38
Citrus spp. 10 3
Daucus carota 5 9
Echium plantagineum 12 25
Clover spp. 5 9 37
Rubus sp. 3 25
Vicia sp. 5
Aster sp. 5
Centaurea sp. 3
Scilla bifolia 3
Helianthus annuus 12
Onosis sp. 12
officinalis 12
Tamarix sp. 25
Eryngium sp. 3