Issue |
Volume 22, Number 1, 1991
Page(s) | 75 - 80 | |
DOI | |
DOI: 10.1051/apido:19910109
Morphologischer Vergleich von Völkern der "Landbiene" in Niedersachsen mit typischer Apis mellifera carnica und Apis mellifera mellifera
N. Reinscha, H. Schustera, K. Bienefeldb and F. Pirchneraa Institut für Tierzucht, TU München-Weihenstephan D-8050 Freising, Deutschland
b Institut für Bienenkunde, (Polytechnische Gesellschaft), Fachbereich Biologie der JW Goethe-Universität, Karl-von-Frisch-Weg 2, D-6370 Oberursel, Deutschland
Abstract - Morphological comparison of colonies of the local bee in Lower Saxony with typical A m carnica and A m mellifera
The current "Landrasse" (the common honeybee) of Apis mellifera in Lower Saxony (Germany) is a product of = 40 yr of upgrading A m mellifera with A m carnica. The object of this study was to make a comparison by morphometric analysis of "Landrasse" colonies with typical colonies of A m mellifera and A m carnica. A sample of 4 853 bees from 99 colonies was taken in Lower Saxony during April 1988. Thirty-three apiaries contributed 3 colonies per apiary. Five measurements were taken from each colony: - average of cubital index (MCI); - proportion of bees with cubital index < 2.0 (VB1) - proportion of bees with cubital index between 1.86-2.33 (VB2); - average length of hair on tergite 4 (RHL); - average width of tomentum on the side of tergite 4. The last 2 measurements were coded as 1,2 and 3 (for single bees), corresponding to the classes low, medium and high (Ruttner, 1988a). The means for the colonies were computed from these codes. Data from 10 typical colonies of A m carnica and 9 typical colonies of A m mellifera were obtained from the morphometric bee data bank in Oberursel. The averages for each group and trait are given in table I. A comparison of the colonies from Lower Saxony with the standard for A m carnica, which is based on the work of Ruttner (1969) and used by the German Beekeeper's Association (Deutscher Imkerbund), resulted in a classification of all 99 colonies as "not carnica". The graph in figure 1 was obtained by principal component analysis of all 118 colonies. The well-separated cluster on the right contains only colonies of A m mellifera (M); the larger cluster on the left contains both A m carnica (C) and "Landrasse" (X). The "Landrasse" is positioned between the extremes due to its crossbreeding character. Table II contains the coefficients for the 2 factors with eigenvalues > 1 (Varimax-rotated). After discriminant analysis, 10 "Landrasse" colonies were classified as A m carnica (table III). Mahalanobis-distances between groups are shown in table IV (quadratic and linear). In conclusion, it can be stated that the "Landrasse" is much more influenced by A m carnica than by A m mellifera in spite of clear crossbreeding characteristics such as long hair, showing the gene contribution of the native population.
Key words: Apis mellifera carnica / Apis mellifera mellifera / morphometrics / upgrading