Free Access
Issue |
Volume 31, Number 2, March-April 2000
Taxonomy and Evolutionary biology of the Honeybees
Page(s) | 249 - 263 | |
DOI | |
DOI: 10.1051/apido:2000120
Apidologie 31 (2000) 249-263
Morphometric diversity of Apis cerana Fabr. within the Philippines
Aurora C. Tildea - Stefan Fuchsb - Nikolaus Koenigerb - Cleofas R. Cervanciaa
aInstitute of Biological Sciences, University of the Philippines Los Baños, College, Laguna
4031, Philippines
bInstitut für Bienenkunde, (Polytechnische Gesellschaft), J.-W. Goethe Universität
Frankfurt am Main, Karl-von-Frisch-Weg 2, 61440 Oberursel, Germany
The diversity of Apis cerana Fabr. in the Philippines was studied using morphometric methods. A
total of 101 samples of A. cerana from feral and hived colonies, and foragers were collected
throughout the Philippine archipelago. The 39 morphometric characters recommended by Ruttner and Ruttner
et al. were measured. The data were statistically analyzed by means of factor analysis, discriminant
analysis, and cluster analysis. The bees from Palawan were unequivocally distinct and separate from the
other Philippine samples. The bees from the other Philippine islands still showed a high degree of
variation. The bees of Luzon differed clearly from those of Visayas and Mindanao. Within Luzon, the bees
from the highland differed clearly from those in the lowland and were regarded as separate groups. Bees
from Visayas and Mindanao were still very variable and showed potential for further sub-structuring. The
present analysis could not distinguish whether the difference between Luzon and Visayas-Mindanao was based
on a north-south clinal structure, or on distinct groups.
Apis cerana / Philippines / morphometry / biogeography
Correspondence and reprints: Stefan Fuchs
Copyright INRA/DIB/AGIB/EDP Sciences