Free Access
Volume 33, Number 4, July-August 2002
Page(s) 411 - 415

Apidologie 33 (2002) 411-415
DOI: 10.1051/apido:2002031

Resistance to Acarapis woodi by honey bees from far-eastern Russia

Lilia I. de Guzmana, Thomas E. Rinderera, Gary T. Delattea, J. Anthony Stelzera, Lorraine Beamana and Victor Kuznetsovb

a  USDA Honey Bee Breeding, Genetics and Physiology Laboratory, 1157 Ben Hur Road, Baton Rouge, LA 70820, USA
b  Institute of Biology and Pedology, Far-Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Vladivostock 690022, Russia

(Received 11 December 2000; revised 20 December 2001; accepted 21 March 2002)

Honey bees from the Primorsky region of far-eastern Russia were evaluated for their resistance to Acarapis woodi. Results from a field test in Louisiana showed that Primorsky honey bees showed strong resistance to tracheal mites. The Primorsky honey bees maintained nearly mite-free colonies throughout the experiment while the domestic stocks were ultimately parasitized by high levels of tracheal mites.

Key words: Acarapis woodi / tracheal mite / resistance/ Varroa destructor / far-eastern Russia / Primorsky region

Correspondence and reprints: Lilia I. de Guzman

© INRA, EDP Sciences, DIB, AGIB 2002