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Table I

Number of Neotropical bee species by country. Numbers in brackets are the estimated total number of species using the equation: y = 0.2889x + 1.2108; r2 = 0.984, where y = estimated total number of species.

Country Total Andreninae Apinae Colletinae Halictinae Megachilinae
Anguilla 1 1
Argentina 1021 [1183] 106 385 139 104 287
Bahamas 20 [256] 6 1 9 4
Barbados 9 5 4
Belize 30 [296] 26 2 2
Bermuda 2 1 1
Bolivia 487 [904] 1 248 52 75 111
Brazil 1678 [1633] 82 913 104 251 328
Cayman Islands 1 1
Chile 409 [812] 60 83 142 57 67
Colombia 398 [914] 9 262 23 64 40
Costa Rica 416 [372] 253 21 86 56
Cuba 82 [466] 36 6 23 17
Dominica 16 9 3 4
Dominican Republic 27 [367] 10 1 6 10
Ecuador 305 [611] 194 22 46 43
El Salvador 59 [288] 42 2 10 5
French Guiana 163 [439] - 135 3 14 11
Grenada 11 8 2 1
Guadeloupe 11 9 2
Guatemala 216 [464] 4 142 13 34 23
Guyana 220 [564] 160 7 27 26
Haiti 27 [312] 15 8 4
Honduras 175 [468] 10 116 6 19 24
Jamaica 52 [239] 24 5 10 13
Martinique 5 3 2
Mexico Neotropical 916 167 400 63 131 155
México whole country* 1800
Montserrat 8 6 2
Nicaragua 52 [488] 2 45 1 3 1
Panama 390 [417] 4 249 18 74 45
Paraguay 478 [679] 24 208 42 87 117
Peru 592 [946] 5 319 60 122 86
Puerto Rico 29 [225] 12 10 7
Saba & Sint Eustatius 2 2
Saint Kitts and Neves Islands 3 2 1
Saint Lucia 2 2
Saint Martin & St. Barthelemy 2 2
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 37 15 1 16 5
Suriname 85 [522] 80 1 2
Trinidad and Tobago 77 [192] 57 3 5 12
Uruguay 74 [532] 4 41 3 15 11
Venezuela 232 [857] 1 185 15 25 6
Virgin Islands 4 1 1 2

Source: Moure et al. (2007).


According to Ayala et al. (1996).