Open Access

Table I

Coherence as indicated by the occurrence of embedded absences in ordinated matrices; species turnover as indicated by the number of times one species replaces another between two sites, and boundary clumping as indicated by Morisita’s Index (Leibold and Mikkelson, 2002).

Coherence 2004 2005
Embedded absences
Actual number 729.0 408.0
Expected number 1135.1 685.7
Standard deviation 72.1 47.8
Z-score –5.632 –5.810
P < 0.001 < 0.001

Turnover 2004 2005

Actual number 50970.0 23566.0
Expected number 51204.4 24617.7
Standard deviation 5426.1 2121.0
Z-score –0.043 –0.495
P 0.4801 0.3123

Clumping 2004 2005

Morisita’s index
Actual value 2.636 2.402
Expected value 1.000 1.000
P < 0.001 < 0.001